As a single mom of one boy, raising my son has been backbreaking for me in the past. Subsequently, I questioned whether I was parenting him the right way or making a mistake. I had to research and survey but later concluded that these guidelines are factors that help me to be the best mother to my youngster.
Former president Barack Obama and actor Leonardo DiCaprio were raised by lone mothers and are an exemplification that our cluster can nurture young boys into vibrant eligible gents. A recent study stipulates that 60 percent of men raised by single mothers usually ditch school early and become drug addicts. The above percentage can be lower if we observe proper guidelines when raising our sons.
Want to bring up your son successfully, below are;
10 best guidelines to follow when raising boys as a single mom.
1. Communicate with him frequently
Frequent communication with your son is paramount because you will perceive what is prevailing in his life. Enlighten your son on how to express his feelings. Men are known to surmount their problems by themselves, so their suicidal thoughts are very sky-scraping. Society tends to regard them as resilient people who are prohibited from crying.
They have emotions as well as women, so teach your son how to share his drawbacks. Give your boy all your support and assure him of your unconditional love frequently. When he faces any challenges in his life, he will comfortably know that you always have his back.
2. Surround him with good male role models
Bathroom etiquette is one area that most single moms find laborious to teach their sons. He should have a mentor who can enlighten him about adulthood. These role models can be family members, his school teachers, and any other male acquaintances whom you know can lead him in the right direction. Most young boys tend to copy or pick behaviors from a father figure they are familiar with, so ensure that the person your son admires is a decent man.
3. He is not the man of the house
He is your son, not your husband or your significant other thus, handle him as a minor according to his age. Single moms tend to be harsh on their boys, dismissing they are not perfect human beings and are allowed to execute mistakes once in a while.
Do not bank on your child to be the head of the house and involve him in difficult manly chores not meant for his generation. Grant his own space and let him enjoy every phase of his life.
4. Spend time with your son
Your lad should be your top priority. Because he depends only on you for financial support, endeavor to give the best you can bestow, and remember to squeeze in time for him. Do boys’ staff activities like cheering him during his football game. Schedule your time to enjoy cart driving, bicycle, or horse riding. Accompany your son to the barbershop and play video games together.
Assist with his homework and make an effort to watch his favorite programs with him. Do your best to buy boys stuff like his favorite cartoon costumes and any toys he loves. Making time for your son also aids you to know the sort of friends he keeps and the activities he involves himself in during his free time.
5. Teach him how to be responsible
Teaching your son responsibility will galvanize him to become an obligated mortal in his life. He should be liable for tidying his toys and arranging them in the right place, folding his clothes, taking his plate to the kitchen after meals, and keeping his school books safe. Assign light house chores to besiege him so he can appreciate that it’s good to work occasionally. It is mandatory to teach your boy at a younger age to accept responsibility for his mistakes, besides being able to differentiate between what is honorable and dishonorable.
6. Teach him the value of Respect
“Respect is earned.” That’s what they say. To teach your son how to be thoughtful of others is crucial for his successful growth. Attempt to cherish your son’s decision as a mom. An admirable example is my son who would rather wear his Spiderman pajamas for a whole week despite being dirty because that is his favorite sleepwear. The maximum effort I can offer is to ensure that it’s taken to the laundry in the morning and allow him to wear it in the evening when he goes to bed. Teach him occasionally to use kind words like” Please” and “Thank you” when necessary. Let him know that it’s foremost to respect people’s possessions and not to take anything that doesn’t belong to him without authorization.
7. Have a talk with him about his father
Not every single mom covets to raise a child by herself, but because of the phenomenon in life, one might find themselves in a single-parent state. The death of a spouse and Divorce are some of the traumatizing events that lead to single parenting. The current school curriculum educates our children on how a family setting comprises two parents and kids, so your son will eventually begin to ponder why he doesn’t have a dad. As a single mom, there comes a time when you have to converse with him about his dad. Try to be frank because this will help him have closure and not be conscience-stricken about his situation.
8. Teach him how to pray
One of the concepts I have managed to teach my son is how to pray. He is apprehensive that we must say a prayer before we leave the house. Luckily, they learn how to do that in school, so whatever religion they believe in, instill the act of praying in them. Teaching your son about GOD assures him that he can always count on someone when he requires help and prevents him from indulging in sinful activities.
9. Learn to discipline your son
As the proverb postulate, “Spare the rod, spoil the child.”Learn to discipline your son when he is disobedient. Most single moms tend to over-parent their sons to the extreme to perceive when they are moving in the wrong direction. When you discipline your son, he will be able to realize the consequences of his actions, so he will always try to stay out of trouble. Learn to say “NO” when necessary to recognize that sometimes, he cannot always have whatever he desires.
10. Uplift your son’s self-esteem
When you improve your son’s self-esteem, it elevates his development. Better self-esteem helps with your son’s mental health, his emotional balance, and how he socializes with his peers. When you boost your son’s self-esteem, he will be able to learn not to look down on others and appreciate himself.
Being a single mom is difficult but with proper guidance you can raise a son that could become a role model for society. Hope you found the article useful.
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