Most children love fast food and want to gorge on them every time they are hungry. They happily munch on pizzas, burgers, and chips. Recent trends have shown an upsurge in childhood obesity. It has become a concern for parents as many children are above the healthy weight. A serious issue worldwide, obesity has become an alarming health threat to children and adolescents.
Over the years, childhood obesity has increased in developed as well as developing countries. It is particularly disturbing as more children are suffering from several health complications that were once regarded as adult problems.
How does Obesity Affect kids?
Obesity affects kids both physically and psychologically. Kids in the obese group have greater chances of developing chronic health conditions that can continue into adulthood. They are at risk of developing diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases at a young age.
Children who are overweight are more likely to remain obese as adults. It is most likely that they may suffer from anxiety and depression and develop poor self-esteem very early in life.
Certain measures can be taken to counter obesity problems. Parents can improve the entire family’s diet and make it more wholesome and nutritious. The inclusion of regular exercise and physical activities are the best ways to attain a healthy weight in a child.
The article tries to focus on the obesity issues, the reasons and tips to parents to prevent obesity in kids:
Factors That Influence Obesity
Many factors lead to a child’s obesity. Lifestyle issues, consuming too many calories from food and drinks, absence of physical activities, and sometimes hormonal factors also contribute to a kid’s weight gain.
Absence of Physical Activities
Lack of physical activities and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to weight gain. Kids who spend a lot of time watching television or playing video games do not burn calories. Outdoor activities are necessary for the overall health of a child.
Family History and Medical Reasons
If everyone in the family is overweight, it is more likely that your child will be obese. Your genes may affect the amount of fat you store in your body.
Also, medical reasons such as hormonal issues, leptin resistance, Cushing’s syndrome, diabetes, and asthma, and allergies can be contributing factors to rapid weight gain.
Consuming Unhealthy Junk Food and Drinks
Kids who are fond of fast foods, burgers, pizzas, cheese, butter, sugary drinks, candies, ice cream, and fried chips are most likely to be obese. These foods lack protein and vitamins, and consuming this unhealthy food with excess calories regularly is most likely to create a sharp spurt in the weight of your child.
Screen Time and Sleep Patterns
Your child may be indulging in playing video games most of the time or watching television or engaging with mobiles and iPhones till midnight! Erratic sleep patterns coupled with the absence of playful activities induce weight gain in kids.
Psychological Factors
Some children overeat to cope with stress. They can have a greater risk of obesity. Your child may be dealing with personal stress or family stress and maybe overindulging with unhealthy foods to cope with pressure and boredom. Such kids have a higher chance of being overweight.
Socioeconomic Factors
Some people may not have easy access to healthy food. As fruits and vegetables cost more, they may be compelled to buy frozen meals, ready-to-eat fried meats, chips, and crackers. Children binge on such foods whenever they are hungry.
Some people may also have a lower economic status, and their kids may not have a safe place in the neighborhood to exercise. Such compelling socioeconomic situations give rise to obesity in children.
Handling Obesity in Kids
As already mentioned, parents can prevent obesity in their kids if they adopt a healthy lifestyle. They can thwart excess weight in their kids if they adopt simple changes in daily eating habits. Let’s check out the ways to prevent obesity:
1. Be an Exemplary Model
Parents can set good examples by having healthy meals at regular times. Show your child that you enjoy eating healthy food.
Daily physical activities can be a routine for all the family members. Parents can encourage their children to indulge in playful activities every day.
2. Involve your Kids
Parents can involve their kids while preparing meals. Your kid can choose healthy ingredients and learn more about healthy food. Your child will be quite excited to have the food that he/she has carefully chosen and prepared.
3. Encourage a Variety of Foods
Parents can offer a variety of foods to their kids during mealtimes. Your child may reject new foods shown to him but do not be disappointed. You may have to offer a certain food multiple times so that your child agrees to eat. These positive steps encourage healthy eating habits in kids.
4. Consume More vegetables
Encourage your child to eat more vegetables and salads. Offer your child a bowl of veggies whenever he is hungry as well as during meal times. Consuming healthy food regularly would keep your child away from fast foods and help him to prevent weight gain.
5. Adequate Sleep
Be sure that your child gets enough sleep. Insufficient sleep may lead to hormonal imbalances and a bigger craving for food. It may increase the possibility of obesity in kids. So adequate sleeping hours are essential for a healthy life.
6. Indulge Occasionally
As a parent, you can occasionally treat your child to fast foods on special occasions. That includes letting your child eat pizzas, burgers, fried chips, biscuits, cakes, and soft drinks, However, avoid stacking the fridge with these fast food so that your child does not have easy access to unhealthy food.
7. Food Incentives
Avoid promising food incentives as rewards. Stay away from tempting your kids with chocolates or ice cream for completing their homework or good behavior. After some time, your child may get addicted to junk foods.
8. Reduce screen time
You can decrease the screen time of your kids. You can use that time for physical activities that your child enjoys.
9. More Physical Activities
Besides physical activities at school, you can encourage your child to be active throughout the day. You can take your child for family walks together. Your child can also walk down with you to local shops or a friend’s place.
10. Healthy Snacks
Moms can persuade their kids to have healthy snacks whenever they are hungry. You can keep a bowl of fresh fruits on the table. Low-fat milk, yogurt, whole grains, fruits, millets, boiled vegetables, eggs, sprouts, broccoli, soups, baby carrots with hummus, popcorn without butter can be given as a snack to the kids. Avoid giving your kids junk foods as it would only lead to excess weight in kids.
The above tips can help parents handle obesity issues. Be proactive about providing a wholesome nutritious diet for the family so that your child can be encouraged to follow the same routine.
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