Kids are important and so is your work but working with kids around can get a bit troublesome. You don’t want your boss hearing your child cry, while you work, just because they want to be seen on the screen with you, do you? Especially during this pandemic, a lot of people have been working from home, dealing with kids, and work simultaneously, which makes it difficult to focus on either of them.
Here are some tips for working mothers that will help you get the best of both worlds.
1.Making a Schedule
To have an organized daily routine it is good that you make a schedule for yourself. Allocate specific time for particular activities so you don’t stress yourself. Spend some time with your kids and don’t make them feel neglected. Your children are your priority so give them the affection and attention they need in upbringing. Make sure your work doesn’t become a hindrance in good parenting so free up time for your kids. While your kids take nap, you can work with full concentration without being distracted, saving you from the hectic routine of multitasking.
Be it indoor activities or outdoor activities you can engage your kids in recreational activities that will give you time for work and allow them some leisure time. It can include swimming, running, cycling, board games, or any form of amusement your kid finds pleasure in. Clothe them in trendy sports trousers and they are good to go. People who are into recreational activities are more likely to exhibit a positive attitude and show gratitude, according to an American Recreation Coalition Study, 2000.
3. Arranging a Get-Together
Inviting your kids’ friends over to your house can be an opportunity for you to do office work without losing focus. Let them have some time by themselves but don’t forget to stay vigilant as your children still need your supervision.
4. Making Screen Time Meaningful
Allow an hour or half of the screen time to your child. Make use of it in a good way to educate them. Make them play educational games or some quiz. This way your child will acquire the skills needed to succeed at school, making it fun at the same time. Make sure to select the platforms wisely that are appropriate for kids. Research has shown that gadgets make learning easier for children.
5. Indulging Your Kids in Reading
You might want to get your children some books of their preference and according to their proficiency level. This will help them build their communication and social skills. This way you can bring them to hit the books which will enable them to enhance their knowledge. They will develop more attention span.
6. Arts and Crafts
Buy your child some charts, glitter glues, washi tapes, crayons, paints and you can bring out the artist in them. Every child has a knack for arts and crafts as they have new ideas and ideas coming to them, making up their own fantasy. This allows them to become more creative and handier. Some kids are good at origami and they make up literally anything out of paper which can also be used as a decorative material for their room.
7. Engage them in Household Chores
Assign them some home tasks that will keep them busy. Get them to clean their room, organize their toys and bookshelves, dust off the tables, water plants, help in the kitchen by washing some fruits and vegetables. This way they will attain the basic life skills to help them in long run to help themselves.
8. Scavenger Hunt
Prepare some sticky notes and list down some clues on them. Paste them on different areas of your house with each sticky note referring to a clue for the next. Place a small gift like a chocolate or a toy near the last note and let your kids guess the clues leading to the surprise gift. This will keep them busy for quite a while allowing you to work in your room peacefully without disturbance.
9. Setting Up a Fort
Watching animated movies in a fort can be fun and games. Didn’t we all do it in our childhood? Except that technology was outdated back then. Children could make their fort out of blankets, sheets, pillows, mattress, and deck it out with fairy lights. Get cozy in their fort and watch their favorite movies with friends while enjoying some yummy snacks you made them
10. Audiobooks
Audiobooks can be a great way of learning for your kids. This enhances the listening skills and it is beneficial for those children who face difficulty in reading directly from the book. Thus, through audiobooks children can listen to a story of their choice and visualize themselves as a part of the story. Kids will have a better grasp of their listening ability. You can easily download the audiobooks from the internet as they are readily available or you can purchase CDs and play them on your computer or television. Other than this there are certain apps available that offer story narration.
Do you think these points have helped you find some insight? Let us know in the comments section what you thought of it. We would also like to know how you manage your work with kids around. Share your tips so that other moms can also get some help from it.
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