As babies explore the world outside, their brain begins to develop immensely. From birth till the age of three, toddlers are busy deciphering their environment. Quite often, babies indulge in simple activities such as looking at picture books, having fun in dirt, assembling blocks, banging things, playing with rattles, blankets or ball or just scrawling on paper. These interesting pursuits helps trigger a kid’s brain development.
Almost 70% of your little one’s brain develops through play. Moms can encourage activities such as putting toys around their babies to encourage movement. It helps to activate your toddlers mind.
Caregivers can boost brain development before a child begins any formal training. Moms can engage in activities that not only motivate their kid’s brain but also help them to enhance their capabilities. Interesting pastimes such as singing songs, or reciting nursery rhymes together can be done daily with their little ones.
The article engages in providing helpful ideas to moms that can stimulate their child’s brain activity every day:
Foster a Safe and Comfortable Environment
Most of the babies can sense stress. As a mom, you can help your baby relax by showering your affection and love to your little one as much as possible. Comfort your baby when he feels stressed out. Your love and supportive care will help your child feel secure.
As you give constant feelings of assuredness, you can create a lasting positive influence on your child’s brain growth.
Establish a Strong Communication
Moms can build communication skills with their little ones by talking continuously with them. Label every action such as sitting down, cooking, singing, etc.
Help your kid identify objects like door-plate, shoes, taste like sweet, sour and salty in food, feelings of the wind, heat and a cold, etc. It would help your child to understand all the activities around her and improve vocabulary.
Teach Your Baby Safe Climbing
Toddlers often try to climb on everything and explore their world. They are learning important physical skills of balance and coordination. As a mom, you can encourage safe climbing and teach your toddler to avoid getting hurt, for instance like climbing on the coffee table or the stairs.
You can take your little one to public gardens and parks too. As your toddler learns how to climb on everything, it induces his brain development.
Ask Questions To Boost Your Kid’s Brain Development
You can stimulate your toddler’s thinking process by asking questions. You can show your toddler a flower and ask him to name it. For instance, if it is a rose, you can ask your toddler to identify the colour.
Similarly, if you take your baby out to a mall, you can show him different games and ask your toddler to name them. You can also show your little one how the games are being played.
Gazing At the Mirror
Toddlers often look at the mirror. Observing their own image, toddlers try to make social and emotional connections that helps them to discover their self.
Encourage your little one to smile at the mirror. Help your baby to describe himself when he sees himself in the mirror. You can help them name the body parts and sing songs. It helps in their brain development.
Count and Compare
Babies love numbers and counting. Moms can introduce their little ones to maths by comparing things like,“I have two toys but you have three,” or “there are two pineapples but three bananas on the table.”
Moms can also instruct their little ones to bring pencils or chocolates from the table and help them count one by one. It will help children to develop early math skills and understand the concept of more or less.”
Playing With Different Colours
All babies are fascinated with colours. Moms can encourage their little ones to paint and do some finger painting.
Your little one’s joy accelerates as he begins to blend colours to create an entirely new colour. You can add sand or rice to the paint and help your child to use his creative skills. It will also help him to learn the names of all the colours while also getting introduced to art.
Age-Appropriate Toys
You can boost cognitive development in your toddler by playing with rattles, bells and other toys that make noise. Interact with your baby by teaching him how to hold, drop and roll different balls or insert shapes in slots that help refine motor skills.
Moms can pretend play to inspire toddlers. They can encourage their little ones to build blocks, play with push and go toys, glue stickers on papers, learn simple paper-folding art or sing songs with actions like “wheels on the bus,” that help encourage their toddler’s imagination skills.
Digging in Dirt Aids Brain Development
Playing in the dirt is a unique way for toddlers to explore its own environment. Simple activity such as digging in dirt can enhance curiosity in a child’s mind.
As a mom, you can give your child plenty of opportunities to dig mud and throw away. You can provide a magnifying glass so that your baby can intensely view dirt, rocks, small creatures, sand or small stones closely.
Scribbling on Paper
Most of the babies love to scribble on paper. It is a part of the natural progression towards writing.
Moms can give ample pre-writing opportunities to their toddlers by providing some papers and pretty decorative crayons and pencils. As your little one experiments with writing, it helps to build his small-muscle skills and hand-eye coordination. His concentration skills improve.
Discussing Stories
Babies love to hear stories. Moms can read aloud books to their little ones as that it could help them to increase their vocabulary and language skills.
You can show your child images in the story, for instance, if there is a cat in the story and at home, identify them with your kid. Colourful objects, animals, birds and shapes attract toddlers. By looking at images and hearing words, your toddler can connect the story that sets off his thinking process
All the above activities mentioned above can easily trigger your toddler’s brain growth. A good blend of all the activities if followed daily can make your little one independent. Moms can channelise their toddler’s never-ending energy and help them to associate things and situations. With little effort from our end, we can make our toddler ready for his future!
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