If your hands suffer from osteoarthritis, arthritis, or tendonitis, you’ll start losing your hand mobility, and performing simple tasks can become more difficult. Along with arthritis, any traumatic injury can also cause problems with the movement of the hands. This means that hand stiffness and pain can affect the quality of your life. However, you can reduce your hand pain and expand your range of motion with hand and finger exercises.
In this article, we’re going to go over some exercises that go together with prescribed medications that can assist you in getting rid of the intense pain you’ve been dealing with. You can improve your hand condition with hand strengthening exercises.
Let’s jump into the topic and mention 5 top effective hand and finger exercises:
Wrist Stretch Exercise
It is quite common. It is most prevalent among middle-aged women. Many different kinds of activities create pressure on our wrists which causes step-by-step endless pain and pounding. If your wrist pain isn’t getting the desired treatment and it isn’t resolved, it can develop into long-lasting complications like joint inflammation and tendonitis. To alleviate the pain of hand pain, you’ll require the aid of an expert hand surgeon. They will advise you to perform exercises to stretch your wrists to alleviate your discomfort for the moment.
Begin by stretching your arm to the side and then toward the floor. You can also place a different hand on top of your fingers and stretch the ginger as much as possible. After that, slowly stretch your fingers towards your body. You have to hold both hands tightly for 5-10 minutes, then gradually release them out. At that point, put your hand on your tip finger and press it back down. Perform the stretch for 10 minutes. Do two sets of 3 reps for every hand. Concentrate on your breathing while doing this exercise.
Finger Stretch Exercise
If your hands are damaged, the fingers become stiff. The stretching of your fingers is among the most effective exercises for increasing your flexibility. So, after you’ve stretched your wrists is time to concentrate on your fingers too. Begin by putting both your palms on the table or other flat surfaces or on a desk. The process starts with the fingertips and the heel of your hand—the tip of your fingers. In order to perform the exercise, slowly extend your fingers up until all your fingers and the palm are touching the top edge of the table. You can hold this position for at least 1 minute before returning back to your original position. For the best results, you have to perform this exercise twice each day.
Four repetitions with every hand. This exercise is easy and simple yet highly efficient. You can practice this finger stretch at the desk at work or even on your sofa while watching your favorite TV program.
Finger Lift Exercise
Begin by placing both hands on the surface with your fingers flat. Then, slowly lift each finger one at the moment, and hold it for 2 seconds to raise a finger. Wait for another two seconds to hold it in place before lifting the next finger. Start counting five on the way up, then hold them for 5 seconds and then count 5, bringing them back to their starting position. Repeat this exercise only once every day. Perform it for three sets with ten reps per finger. It’s very similar to stretching exercises for fingers and can be done with no thought. It gradually increases the range of motion of your fingers.
Tight Fist Exercise
Tight Fist exercise is extremely beneficial to both fingers and hands. A tight fist workout helps build strength in your hand and finger as well as relieve some of your stress. Start with bent your arms perpendicularly or at 90 degrees and keep your hand with your palm pointing upwards toward the ceiling. After that, slowly bend your fingers in order to form the shape of a fist. Then, hold your fist, but not as tight, for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, slowly let go of your fist. Place your fingers in a fully extended position. To reap the maximum benefits, you should do this workout three times a day for ten reps. If you’re not able to do it in time, perform this with both hands at the same time.
Finger Extension Exercise
To finish things off fingers, exercises for finger extension strengthen fingers and the lower arm. You have to take elastic bands for exercise. Begin by placing an elastic band on all fingers and thumbs on the outside. Try to stretch your thumb and fingers as they can be before returning them back to their original position. This exercise can be performed twice a day, 15 to 20 times. However, be mindful that this exercise should not be done more than two distinct times per day.
All of these hand and finger exercises are part of Hand therapy prescribed by specialists who are certified. Practice them regularly to boost your forearm muscle strength.
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