What your child is eating and the amount they eat is always an issue for parents – are they eating enough, too much, are they eating too much yogurt and not enough veggies, and so on. If your child is younger, or if this is your first child, it’s probably something you regularly think about. The last thing many of us want is to have our children labeled as fussy eaters. Many parents are regularly concerned about their children’s eating so it’s good to know you aren’t alone.
But, how do we know if this is just a phase they are going through or if your child may have a problem with the foods they are eating whether it be a sensory issue or if the foods are causing pain that they can’t tell you about.
How to Identify Fussy Eaters?
Fussy eating is completely normal. One day they may like carrots and the next day they will refuse to even look at them. For a week or two, your child may decide they don’t like foods of a particular color or texture, and then that’s all they will eat. Perhaps one day they will eat everything in sight and then the next, they are happy to eat barely anything. There is a good chance this has nothing to do with the food itself and is often based on a variety of factors including:
- Growth spurts
- Activity levels
- Learning to assert independence
You will generally notice these phases happening between 2-5 years of age; however, they can continue on as your child grows.
Helping My Child Grow Out of Fussiness
More often than not, your child will grow out of their fussiness around the time they start school. The best thing you can do is manage your own expectations around mealtimes. Getting anxious or frustrated may make the problem worse, especially if you are trying to feed a toddler that just isn’t hungry. Toddlers are quite good at managing the amount of food they need, and you can almost guarantee they will not starve themselves!
Fussiness is a development phase and often correlates with something called food neophobia – or a fear of new foods. As you can imagine, this fear means that your child will be reluctant to try any new foods you introduce. They are learning that these foods are safe and fun to eat as well as being tasty and healthy for us. The best way to gain their confidence in these new foods? Let them see you enjoying these foods!
Great Meal Tips for Fussy Eaters
If your toddler is going through a fussy phase, there are some great tips that you can use to ensure mealtimes aren’t a battle and don’t end in tears – because no one wants a battle at the end of a long day.
1. Eat as a family as often as possible
If you can, eat as a family as much as possible. This allows your toddler to see you enjoying the same foods they have on their plate, and it may encourage them to try a new food or to eat a little of what is on their plate. You may find that you need to feed them off the same utensils you are using – so if your child won’t eat with a spoon because you are eating with a fork, try feeding them with a fork.
2. Stay positive about food
It can be difficult to stay positive at the end of a long day, but even saying something like “this is yummy” can help your toddler want to try a food. All children respond well to praise so responding positively when your child eats may be a great way to open them to new foods.
3. Consistent mealtimes
One of the best ways to ensure your child isn’t getting over-hungry or is full is to have a consistent meal and snack times. Children often won’t eat well if they are over hungry or tired, even though they might be starving! It all just becomes too much for them. Work out a routine that works for your child and your family to ensure they are eating at optimal times.
4. Offer interesting food to encourage fussy eaters to eat
Offering a variety of foods to fussy eaters is a great way to get children interested in tasting new foods or eating foods they “don’t like”. Whether you cook the food in a different way, eat a picnic outside, or having different flavors on the plate, your child has the option of what to eat.
5. Involve your child in food selection
Once your toddler or child is a little older, they can help with things like food shopping, setting the table, and basic cooking and food preparation. This is likely to get them more interested in trying foods. You will be surprised to see that many children who are known as fussy eaters actually start enjoying food once they are involved in selecting and preparing their own food.
Treasured Tots have a menu designed by a Paediatric Nutritionist to help us grow healthy children. Enrolling your child in a childcare center where nutrition is supported and encouraged helps expose your child to new and healthy foods in a relaxed environment. We’d love to discuss with you how we introduce new and healthy foods to children in our centers. Make an appointment with Treasure Tots at Mandurah, Bibra Lake, or Fremantle today.
This post is sponsored by treasuredtots.com.au
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