Have you ever wished to get some time off while someone else looked after the kids? Or resented the fact that while your husband gets to relax every day after work, your day just never ends! Just the way it is difficult for a mother to adjust to a new life with kids, parenting hits fathers hard too! But it is completely unfair to expect that one parent would put in most of the hard work. A husband’s support can go a long way in making the journey easier and beautiful. We all mothers know how necessary it is for us to get even a little support from our partners in raising a child. I have given below a few points about why it is so important for a partner to pitch in.
A Husband’s Support can Help the Mother from Burning Out
I hear many mothers complaining about how they have to do most of the parenting alone. If one parent continues to do most of the heavy work of parenting, she will burn out. In today’s busy times, when we hardly have outside support, it’s mostly the parents who have to look after the kids. If one parent is absent, not only will it take a toll on the mother but will also affect the children negatively. Be it a stay-at-home mom or a working mother, she can’t do everything alone. I believe parenting is the most difficult job on earth and without adequate support, a single parent is bound to suffer emotionally. This will lead to a lot of irritability and resentment on the mother’s part. This can negatively affect the marriage as well. Thus, a husband’s support in sharing the responsibility can help a mother take care of everything in a better way.
Women go Through a Myriad of Changes Physically During and After Pregnancy
Pregnancy is not easy and it takes a toll on a mother’s health. She needs time to heal and get back to her daily routine. For many mothers, life is not the same anymore as pregnancy and delivery leave them with body aches all over. A partner who understands that and takes time out to help his wife cope with the changes makes a huge difference in a marriage. Not only will the woman feel appreciated but will also realize the strong support she has. We all women know how even a simple backrub after a tough day can do wonders to feel refreshed and relaxed. Or offering to cook once in a while can give us the much-needed rest. Thus, our husband’s support is extremely necessary for us women to unwind and rejuvenate.
Pregnancy Effects a Woman’s Mental Health
Everyone is familiar with the fact that women go through a lot of hormonal changes during and after pregnancy. And these can lead to overwhelming emotions and mood swings. Many women also face post-partum depression which is a serious health condition. When a woman is in her most vulnerable state, she expects support from her husband the most. So, to help a woman transition through these changes, it is not only important but necessary for a husband to support her in any way he can. Even staying up some nights taking care of a newborn or helping in cooking and cleaning can make a huge difference.
After I had my first child, I didn’t go through any emotional turmoil. I was blissful and the happiest being on earth! But it was not the same after I had my second. I went through a very difficult phase when I had questioned myself if I did the correct thing by having another baby. But what got me through was the support from my husband. He empathized with me and understood what I needed. That not only helped me relax but also made me be a better parent to my kids.
Marriage and relationship can thrive only if there is constant support from the husband in raising the child. As they grow up, tucking the kids to bed or taking them out sometimes can help the mother get some free time. If emotional and mental health is good, everything else can be conquered!
Husband’s Support helps Establish Rules and Routines Better
If you and your husband work together to establish and manage family rules and routines, it gets easier to manage your children’s behavior. Children need a routine to thrive and rules to teach them from right to wrong. If both parents have different viewpoints it will further lead to confusion. A consistent approach to parenting offers a sense of security in children. If they feel that their parents are a team, it gives them a sense of a wholesome family. For this, the father must be involved and support his wife in parenting.
Fathers Have a Great Impact on a Child’s Development
There is no doubt about the fact that an involved father leads to a positive outcome in every aspect of a child’s life. Active involvement of a father in a child’s life leads to better academic, social, and behavioral results. Thus, they occupy a critical role in a child’s life. Thus, a husband who is involved emotionally in raising a child gives way to a strong family structure and a secure marriage as well.
We women can never undermine the sacrifices that a husband makes to provide for the family. Also, the selflessness that a father exhibits while raising his kids is second to none. But this is also true that men are often not aware of the emotional needs of women. So, I would also suggest women speak and communicate what they need from the marriage and their husbands. We are at fault to think that the other person might understand what we need while he might be completely clueless. Thus, the key is communication on the woman’s part and a little empathy and understanding on the husband’s part.
Do share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments. We are a community of women pushing each other up. All comments are welcome!
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