Breastfeeding problems bother most new parents. You always have one or the other question on your mind. We have prepared a list of frequently asked questions involving 20 most common breastfeeding problems.
Q1. How soon should I start breastfeeding my newborn after Birth?
You should start breastfeeding your newborn as soon as possible after birth. Your baby will be generally active at birth and ready to accept feed immediately. However, feeding often gets delayed due to medical chores around the delivery process. Even then, breastfeeding initiation should never be delayed beyond 1 hour. As time passes mothers tends to feel sleepy from all the exhaustion of delivery and your baby goes to sleep too. If you missed this window of opportunity then starting breastfeeding becomes a lot harder.

Q2. How many times should I breastfeed my newborn?
Babies should be fed as often as they want. Your newborn baby will usually feed up to 10-12 times a day. However don’t go by a schedule to feed, let the baby decide when to breastfeed.
Watch for cues that your baby needs feeding. When your baby wants to feed, your little one will be awake and active and show the following signs
- Rooting reflex – In this cue, the baby will turn the head towards one side with open mouth as if searching for the breast.
- When the baby puts his/her hands to the mouth and makes sucking motions
- Cry- Cry is a late indication that your baby is hungry. Do not delay feeding till the baby starts crying
Q3. Why is my milk so watery?
Most moms’ will not notice that their milk is watery or thin as the baby directly feeds from the breast. You may notice this if you are expressing or pumping out milk. Once your milk supply comes in, it is naturally thin and watery but is the best nutrition for your baby. Do not compare it with formula or animal milk.
Human milk is designed for human baby and it changes composition during a particular feeding session. Initial part (also called the foremilk) is watery and it serves to quench the thirst of the baby. As the feed progresses the hind milk comes which is much thicker and contains more fat and serves to satisfy the hunger of the baby.
Again, do not compare mothers’ milk with formula and animal milk. Do not let the thinness of your milk fool you. It is the best nutrition your baby can get

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Q4. How do I know that my baby is getting enough milk?
Am I producing enough milk?
What if I can’t produce enough breast milk?
These are some common doubts that breastfeeding mothers have in mind. The following signs indicate that your baby is getting enough milk.
- Baby looks satisfied after feeding and goes to sleep for 2-3 hours
- Your baby is gaining enough weight (at least 500gm/month)
- Your baby is passing at least 6 times urine in 24 hours time after the first week.
Crying is usually not a sign that you are not producing enough milk, especially if your baby is showing all the above signs. Your baby can cry for so many reasons, as this is the only way of communication the baby has. If you are still not sure, consult your pediatrician or lactational counselor.
Q5. How can I boost my milk production?
Is your milk supply really low? Most mothers think that their milk supply is low when actually it is not the case. Look for signs of adequacy of breastfeeding (Please refer to the previous question Q4)
If you are really having less milk then you should consult a lactational counselor or a pediatrician. At the same time check for following things
Are you using supplementary feeding, bottle feeding, pacifiers, nipple shields etc?
If yes then these could be the reason for your reduced milk production. These things can decrease breast milk production as there is decreased emptying of the breast and/or decreased stimulation of the nipple. Avoid these and make your baby suck on the breast regularly. Frequent emptying of the breast coupled with stimulation of the nipple by frequent sucking will help to increase your milk production.
Is your baby’s latching and breastfeeding Position Proper?
If not work on it and things should improve. If your baby is not able to extract milk properly from breast due to improper latching then you may have to express/pump milk after each sucking session and feed the baby with a spoon ( remember do not use a bottle)
Are you feeding at night?
Breastfeeding at night is very important for maintenance of breastmilk production. If you are not, then start breastfeeding at night.
Are you worrying too much about baby issues and are stressed out?
Stress is not good for breastfeeding. Switch from worry to care. Consulting your lactational counselor can also be stress relieving.
You may consider a ‘nursing vacation’ or ‘babymoon’ where you give your undivided attention to your baby continuously for a few days. This will sort out all issues and help your milk production back on track.
Do you have any medical condition or any medication?
Hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, pituitary disorder etc. or anatomical disorders like previous breast surgery, inverted nipple etc. may affect lactation. If you are taking hormonal birth control pills or if you smoke, that may also affect lactation.
Consider a galactagogue
Galactagogue is a substance that increases milk production. Though the role of Galactagogue is limited, you may try out homemade remedies that are acceptable in your tradition. You may also consult your doctor in case you need a prescription of galactagogue.
Q6. Can I produce enough milk if I have small breasts?
Size of your breast is irrelevant when it comes to producing milk. All breast size have the same amount of milk-producing gland tissue. The size is determined by the fat content, which doesn’t influence milk production. Breastfeeding works on the concept of demand and supply. You will be able to produce as much milk as your baby demands- irrespective of the size of your breast.
Q7. If I am thin and skinny can I produce enough milk for my baby?
As long as you are healthy, the build of the body has nothing to do with breastmilk production. A thin and a plump mother can produce an adequate amount of milk for their babies alike. However, remember to eat sufficiently while lactating. You would need 500 extra calories per day during this period. Eat as per your appetite and keep on munching healthy snacks from time to time.

Q8. Should I eat and drink more while I am breastfeeding?
Normally a breastfeeding mother will need more calories (500 cals/day) and water compared to a nonlactating mother of the same age and built. However, that doesn’t mean that you will need to stuff yourself. You will usually feel more hungry and thirsty than usual. So eating to your appetite and drinking to your thirst will usually be enough. Keep munching some healthy snacks in between meals.
Q9. Is it okay to supplement some formula while breastfeeding?
Supplementing with formula is not necessary and not something that should be taken casually. If there is a real reason to worry, your pediatrician will advise you. Don’t supplement formula by yourself. Supplementing with formula may have the following potential harm.
- The balance of good bacteria in the gut that is established by breastfeeding may be disturbed making your little one more susceptible to infection.
- Your baby will have less protection from allergies. Formula is derived from cow’s milk and the introduction of cows milk before the age of one is not advised. They may become sensitized to cows milk protein and increase the risk of atopy and asthma in later life.
- Your baby may have a higher risk of developing diabetes and other health issues in later life
- Your baby may start preferring the bottle rather than the nipple (nipple confusion) and slowly start to refuse to suck from the breast
- Your milk supply may come down. Milk supply work on a demand-supply basis. Supplementing formula will result in less breastfeeding, which your body will interpret as less demand for breast milk. Therefore you will start producing less milk.
Q10. Is it okay to supplement formula at night?
It is not advisable to supplement formula at night. Night feeds are very important for the continued production of enough breast milk. Your milk production will start decreasing and over time you will not have enough milk.
Q11. Can mothers with flat nipples breastfeed?
If you have nipples that look flattish, then you could have either a flat or inverted nipple. Do the protactility test or pinch test. Put your thumb and index finger to hold your breast at a level of the areola. If the nipple stands out, it is a flat nipple. If it sinks in, then it is an inverted nipple.
A normal nipple is not essential for breastfeeding, it just helps to direct the jet of milk. You can make a teat of the areola and offer it to the baby as usual.
Q12. If my baby sucks frequently, will I get sore nipples?
Normally breastfeeding should be completely painless even you feed several times a day. If you are feeling pain then your baby must be nipple sucking. Make sure to properly latch while feeding and this will make you feel better. If however, you still have pain while breastfeeding, then it is better to see your lactational counselor or a pediatrician.
Q13. My milk is leaking. Am I producing too much milk?
Milk leakage is usually due to a strong milk ejection reflex. You would usually notice that the leak is more when you see or think of your baby. It is due to these reflexes that you start leaking more milk. However, this does not mean that you are producing more milk. You are producing just enough milk for your baby.
Q14. What do I do if my milk is leaking?
You need to continue feeding as usual. Just wear a breast pad inside your bra and change them frequently. If you are going out for a longer time then you might want to take a pair of extra bra or breast pads…just in case.
Q15. How can I continue breastfeeding if I have to return to work?
It is advisable that you stay at home to take care of the baby for a full six months. Utilize your maternity leave and also any other leave like child care leave if possible. If you do not have many options but to join your job, then you may try any one of these:
- If your organizations run a crèche then take your baby with you to work and take a break to feed your baby at your workplace
- You may get the caretaker or any other family member to feed your baby expressed breast milk while at work. For that, you may try creating a stockpile of breast milk a couple of weeks before you intend to join work and store it in the freezer of your refrigerator. thaw the milk when you intend to give to your baby. But remember not to heat/ microwave the milk as all the nutrients will get lost.
- Feed your baby before going and express your breast empty just before leaving home.
Q16. When can I start semi-solid food to my breastfed baby?
Your baby should be on only mother’s milk till 6 months of age. Introduce semisolid food once your baby completes six months.
Q17. How much time a feed normally takes?
The normal time required to complete a feed usually varies from baby to baby. Some baby can finish quickly while some may take a while. Most babies will finish their feed within half an hour.
Q18. My nipple hurt constantly during breastfeeding, what’s wrong?
Normally during an episode of sucking you should feel no pain. If however, you do feel pain, then your baby could be sucking on the nipple and hence you might have sore nipples. You should correct the lactating process of your baby and apply some hindmilk over your nipple at the end of the feed. If still, the problem persists, then better see your pediatrician or a lactational counselor.
Q19. I have inverted nipples, what do I do?
If you have an inverted nipple then you may need some help with the nursing technique. If your baby is not able to latch properly then pumping out the milk may help to pull out the nipple. Feed the baby the pumped milk with a spoon. Do not use a bottle. Alternatively, your doctor may teach you a low cost ‘syringe technique’.
Q20. Is breastfeeding in public acceptable?
Breastfeeding is a natural way of feeding your baby and also the best way. Usually, breastfeeding in public is very well culturally accepted. But many public places may not have enough privacy for you. If you are not comfortable in such a situation then you may carry around some cloth like dupatta, a shawl or a nursing cover to use as a breastfeeding cover while your baby suckles.
I hope this article may have answered some questions relating to breastfeeding. Write to us in the comments section below if you have some more queries relating to nursing or any other baby related topic. Share the article if you have liked it so that others can benefit from it too.
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