Do your kids come home from school whiny or angry? Does it seem like they’re inexplicably defiant or disrespectful? If so, it might not be a behavior issue. At the end of a long day at school, many kids experience what’s known as after-school restraint collapse. Many of you might not be familiar with this concept. What seems to be temper tantrums or unruly behavior could just be a result of after-school restraint collapse.
Also, while it can affect all kids, experts say that it can be more prominent in sensitive children with learning or socialization problems. So understanding the concept can help parents go a long way in helping a child in need.
What is After-School Restraint Collapse?
This term refers to the release of all the pent-up emotions felt during the day, which can result in meltdowns or neediness. While the after-school experience can appear to be a tantrum, it could be something else entirely — in some sense, a cry for help. Before taking away a privilege or sending your children to their rooms, consider the possibility that they’re overwhelmed by all the stresses of the day. They are now releasing them in the safe space of your home.
Understanding what’s common in this transition time, can help you better understand what’s happening and know how to deal with it. As a parent, how can you better prepare for it? Also, how can you respond to after-school restraint collapse?
For more information, take a look at the accompanying resource. It lists 10 great strategies for helping your kids decompress after a long school day – from giving them a better outlet for pent-up emotions to providing a healthy and nourishing snack to replenish their strength.
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