The flaky, white residue which feels like more of a snowfall in summer is often annoying, right? Well, that probably is Dandruff.
Dandruff is small pieces of dead skin on a person’s scalp, which causes irritation and itchiness. It is not a disease and is very common amongst children but it must be controlled in order to avoid any serious consequences. Kids are generally susceptible to dandruff because of their energetic routine, which involves playing outdoors, which invites all the dust and dirt to clutter upon their heads.
Dandruff in children can also be transferred from head to head. It can also be genetic or may arise due to a lack of maintenance of proper hygiene.
It may cause serious consequences as the itchiness may increase, cause inflammation, rashes, etc. but not in every case. However, it is an unhygienic practice, which needs to be curbed as soon as possible.
Myths about Dandruff- BUSTED
Here are some misconceptions about this annoying bunch of flaky residue.
1. Dandruff only occurs on dry scalp
Well, many of us must have been told that dry and rough scalps are the prime reason for dandruff. However, it may not be true. It can also arise due to some kind of fungal infection caused by Malassezia fungi. so, oiling your hair may not necessarily cause this problem to go.
2. It is only the ‘Top floor’ problem.
Dandruff may not always occur on the scalp. It can also occur in the eyebrows or for that matter anywhere where there is substantial hair growth.
3. Dandruff is contagious
When a child goes to school, He/she may come in the vicinity of thousands of peers who may have dandruff. But this will not cause dandruff to travel from their head to your child’s head. It is not the flu after all.
4. Dandruff is seasonal
Some people may blame winter for the cause of this snowfall. But this is not true. Dandruff is NOT seasonal and can occur anytime. It depends on how poorly you maintain the hygiene of your hair.
5. ‘Oiling’ the problem
Many of us believe that the problem may get cured after massaging the scalp with hot oil but it is not true. On the contrary, this may attract more dust and dirt that may stick on the head with the oil.
Causes of Dandruff
What is your child’s itchy scalp trying to tell you?
There can be several reasons for your kids to have this problem.
1. Improper Cleansing of Hair
A lot of kids resist hair wash, leading to a lot of tears and sorrow. Amidst all this, it is quite possible that not all of the dead skin cells are washed off. Some remain and lead to dandruff.
2. Improper Diet
An unhealthy diet high in junk food can lead to dandruff and an itchy scalp. All the greasy, tempting food, which causes your child to drool, can often be the cause of this problem. Give your child the right kind of diet enriched with protein, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals.
3. Chemicals in hair care products
Some chemicals used in hair care products may not suit your child’s scalp leading to dandruff. There would be a lot of exposure to unwanted chemicals on your child’s head, which would wear off the natural essential oil of the scalp.
4. Malassezia
It is a yeast-like fungus that causes disturbance in the natural growth of cells and leads to dandruff.
5. Eczema
This is a skin condition that results in skin inflammation. It is difficult to treat but can be kept under control. Dandruff is a milder form of this condition.
Remedies For Dandruff
Here are some tips, which may help to control this problem in your child
1. Don’t freak out
It is completely normal in kids at this age. So, relax and don’t start to google symptoms and causes. It may just be a mild problem, which needs a little attention.
2. Get some fresh air
Burn some of those fat, which your child accumulated after eating that cheeseburger. Exercising and getting the right amount of oxygen is also very important for the proper functioning of the body and releasing the essential oils from the body. Go for a walk, stroll in the park with your child and introduce them to the lush greenery.
3. Groom and pamper your child with the right hair care
Consult a doctor and use a medicated shampoo for this problem. Don’t buy those fancy, fruity-smelling chemicals which may seem to be luring but may have serious consequences on the child’s hair. Coconut oil works wonders for the hair.
4. The Green Gold Therapy
Using organic products such as Aloe Vera may prove to be highly beneficial for the hair care routine. It is a succulent that has promising results and leaves hair looking shiny and moisturized.
5. Enrich the internal system
No matter how much you groom your child’s hair if the nutrition is not proper then the problem will keep on coming back. So a healthy diet is very necessary mostly rich in omega-3 and other essential minerals. Aamla, citrus fruits, pulses may also help.
Although Dandruff can be a really frustrating problem for you and your child, with proper care and attention this problem can be cured and controlled very easily. All you have to do is go step by step and follow the healthy, natural guide. Hope this would have been some helpful information for your head.
The next time your child scratches their head, it may not be dandruff, he may just be curious and inquisitive of the myriad perks of life. : )
Happy Parenting.
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