Your newborn is your blessing and a bundle of joy. While they bring you happiness, they also bring worries and anxieties. Throughout all of it, you must ensure your newborn gets only the best care. Taking care of their needs becomes your foremost priority. It includes getting them the best baby care products, the best food, natural baby diapers, and more.
All of this might feel unduly burdening in the first few weeks. But as a parent, you will also grow and learn how to take care of your baby. To do the best for your baby, you must keep certain things in mind. Here is a careful compilation of dos and don’ts that will help you out with your newborn.
Here is a look at some of the most important things to do for your newborn, especially in their few weeks.
Hold your Baby with Care
One of the most common things that often make parents apprehensive is whether or not they are holding their baby correctly. Your newborn is so small and seems so delicate, it is understandable you might feel scared. However, it is not a huge task, and just following the right steps can help you prevent any mishaps.
The most important thing is to ensure they have enough support, especially at the back of their heads and necks. Always try to hold them with both arms. The neck and the shoulders are exceedingly sensitive areas.
Make sure your baby is comfortable while in your arms. Take care to avoid holding him/her in an awkward position and do so confidently. The more you carry them, the more they will get used to it. When you put them down, make sure they are on their back.
Use Natural Biodegradable Diapers
There are several good benefits of using natural biodegradable diapers for your baby as well as the environment. Regular disposable diapers have a lot of chemicals involved in their production. On the other hand, natural biodegradable diapers use organic products that are good for your baby.
In terms of disposal, natural biodegradable diapers are better baby care products because they cause less harm to the environment. It is also better because you do not have to wash them repeatedly like other environment-friendly diaper options. Ensure the best baby products for your newborn with natural biodegradable diapers.
Get your Baby the Correct Vaccines
Usually, all the needed shots and vaccines get administered to newborns in the first few weeks of their birth. Still, you should make a list of all the necessary vaccine shots and make sure your baby gets all of them.
There are many serious diseases to which newborns are especially susceptible. The proper vaccines ensure your newborn is safe and grows up to be a healthy child.
There are some vital precautions you must take when you are dealing with your baby. Take care not to do the following things with your baby.
Do Not Move Your Baby Too Much
Newborns, especially in their first few weeks, are very delicate. What may seem like a good idea to shake their feet or hands when they are crying can easily harm them. Be gentle with them and do not do anything in exaggeration. In fact, shaken baby syndrome exists which means when someone shakes the baby too hard. When a baby is violently shaken, it can cause their brain to move inside the skull. It can cause serious injury resulting in lifelong complications.
Do Not Smoke Near Your Baby
Smoking, in general, is injurious to health. It is especially dangerous if you do it near your baby. Newborns are acutely perceptive to their surroundings. Something as harmful as cigarette smoke can have severe effects on their health. Second-hand smoke can also increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death. It can also cause severe health issues such as asthma as well as developmental problems.
Do Not Keep Your Baby Care Products Unclean
Make sure you always keep your newborn’s baby care products clean. For example, clean the feeding bottle thoroughly with warm water, store the natural biodegradable diapers in a hygienic place, etc. Also, always remember to wash and sanitize your hand before you handle your newborn.
Taking care of your newborn is no easy task. They have several needs and are entirely dependent on you. However, with the right steps, you and your baby will be faring just fine. Both you and your baby will have a fun and loving time around each other with the right choices. Also, make sure to take care of yourself so that you feel rested. If you feel good you can also look after the baby better.
Do share your experiences in the comments. The newborn phase is difficult because we are still getting exposed to a new stage of life called parenting. We would love to read your stories!
Morgan Mendoza says
Very useful tips for first time parents !
Lavita says
Thank you for reading 😊