The moment you enter the door and start your journey of Motherhood, there’s just no turning back, only moving ahead.
When you gave birth to the little human you carried inside your tummy for 9 months, you knew your life’s gonna change forever. Your little one is born without any knowledge of how he can survive in this new world he is in without your help. While you are still physically, emotionally, and mentally healing from pregnancy and giving birth, there he is- crying for your touch, crying for your milk, crying, and asking for only you Momma.
When your child finally learns to be more independent- walking, eating, and playing on his own, still, you are there every step of the way. Watching closely in everything he does. Doing the never-ending chores from dirty laundries, stinky nappies, to cooking and cleaning. All of these in one hand while the other is still holding the little hands of your child, making sure you could catch up with all his learnings and development day by day.
Somehow, you feel like you are no longer the woman you were before. You feel overwhelmed by carrying everything on your own and it hits you! You are missing your freedom- the life you had when all you had to worry about is yourself. Yet, since there’s no turning back now, all you can do is learn and apply some valuable tips for you to love Motherhood deeply even at times when you miss your freedom.
Tips to Love Motherhood More Even When You Miss Your Freedom
1. Have a Grateful Heart
Look at your little one, can you ever imagine if he became someone else’s child? Be grateful, that’s not the case. You were chosen to be your child’s mommy because only you could fill that space. That title was made especially for you, be thankful. It may be tiresome now, but trust me, none of these negative things will last. You can surpass it, so for now, hang in there with a grateful heart.
2. Have a Regular Hangout and To-Go-To Girlfriends
Yep, even with your baby around, your friends who love you will surely love having your baby too. How much more if you have mommy friends to hang out with whom you can share not just your highs but also your lows. It will all lighten up especially if you realize that it’s not just you who’s going through struggles and disappointments.
3. Embrace Motherhood
Every mommy will experience downtimes. Even those mommies who have supportive families, most caring husbands or partners, and those who are well off. Understand that there would really be times in your mommy’s life that you miss your freedom. It’s natural and totally okay. It doesn’t mean you are a bad mom and that you love your children any less. I too experience it from time to time. What you can do though to get back on the right track is to embrace motherhood. Accept the fact that even if it is tiring, draining, and sometimes really overwhelming, you are now a Momma. Put it in your heart and accept it wholeheartedly. In times you miss your freedom, just remember all those good times you’ve had when you were still single. Be happy that you got to experience those times.
You may also want to read:
- Why Mothers Need Some ‘Me’ Time and How to Get it.
- Self-Care – Most Essential but Neglected Part of a Mom’s Life
4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Moms
You became a mommy because you deserve to have this special blessing. Claim it. Not every momma will have the same level of expertise in handling their babies, not the same amount of patience, but always the same kind of Love and Care. Don’t compare yourself to other mommies because no mommy is greater than you in the eyes of your little ones.
5. Every Child is Special
Your friend’s children may be less fussy than yours, sleep, and eat better than yours. But hey, stop comparing. Love your children the way they are and always keep on looking for loving and patient ways to encourage them to become better if not the best of who they are. Stop acting like they are toys you can always shape and mold the way you want all the time. Be firm but loving. Your children are reflections of how you raise them.
6. Taking Care of Your Emotions
Acknowledge and express your emotions in appropriate ways. Have a confidant. Someone whom you can share your emotions with without the fear of holding back. It’s really not good to keep it all in especially the negative ones because it will pile up inside you. Know how to manage your stresses. Strive to keep yourself balanced mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. It is also important that you think before you act.
7. Invest in Yourself
Don’t ever think that the woman who wipes the stinky butt of her child right now deserves any less than the woman who wore a sexy red dress on the first date with her husband. You are still that woman. Even more special right now since you have become a loving mother. Not everyone is given that opportunity, live up to it. Treat yourself the way you always wanted to. For example, invest in skincare products that you really really like. This will make you feel and look good about yourself every time you look in the mirror.
Sometimes, there would really be a time when you feel that you are already too tired, the days would become too dragging. All you could think about is you want to rest. But as a mother, you feel the need to be always there and watch your child as he grows. Along with it, the never-ending chores would always be staring at your face. It could all be too much for a day. Sometimes, you just want to go out for a while and forget about the four walls of your home. Well, you actually can! Here is a helpful article about the survival tips for Stay at Home Mommies.
Motherhood is not something you can easily quit when you feel exhausted and jaded. What you can do though is to accept that this is the new journey your path is bound to traverse. A mother and her children can never be separable. You may not have a good ending with your child’s father, you may walk on separate ways with your husband, but your children will always be your children whatever may happen. That crown of motherhood is placed on top of your head from the time you gave birth and can never be taken off. What you can do is own it, wear it with grace, strut it with love and confidence Momma.
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