Toddlers often have difficulty winding down and relaxing at night. As they are learning new things and exploring more every day, going to bed seems like a boring choice. This, it is important to provide a good routine for your toddler. A regular bedtime routine helps toddlers develop a sense of control and the habit to sleep on time. Within a few days, your toddler will get used to an established set of activities. He will feel safe and secure with the new plan and find it easier to retire to bed.
However, it is necessary to have the same consistent routine on all days of the week. Any disruption in the schedule may make your toddler uneasy and confused to follow the routine again.
As he follows the routine, your toddler will feel happy and reassured. Consistency in routine improves the attention and cognitive functions of a child. As a parent or caregiver, you can prepare the environment for sleep and create boundaries for your toddler to establish a soothing, enjoyable, and comfortable routine. Here are some ideas:
Have a Steady Bedtime Routine
The must important point is to prepare a consistent bedtime schedule for your toddler. For instance, you can start the routine for your toddler at 7 p.m. with dinner, a bath, putting on pajamas, changing diapers, reading bedtime stories, getting in bed, and finally saying goodnight.
You can plan to start early enough so that your toddler can be tucked in bed at the usual time. A regular bedtime and mealtime schedule may help your toddler to have better emotional self-regulation and fewer chances of obesity.
Dim The Lights
Toddlers sleep well in dark rooms. You can dim the lights in your toddler’s room to enable him to feel sleepy. You can even try to illuminate your toddler’s room with a night light or amber light bulb.
Set a soothing environment for your toddler early before bedtime. Try to keep the lights low and the screen off from the start of the routine. You can also use blackout shades during summer to help your child sleep better.
Slow Down Your Toddler’s Activities
Toddlers often need transitions to move from an active to a sleepy state. To help him unwind, you can play quiet games or sing bedtime songs. These activities will relax your child and get him ready for bed.
Toddlers need to get tired to ensure they get good sleep. Always make sure that your child gets plenty of physical activity during the daytime. Set a time daily for playing outdoors or indulge in activities that will tire him.
Keep Away From Screens
As you begin the bedtime routine, try to keep your toddler away from screens that could stimulate his mind.
Make the routine screen free by keeping out devices from your toddler’s room like video games, laptops, phones, television, or tablets. Steer clear of the screen activities for a minimum of two hours before going to bed so that your little one doesn’t get excited before his sleep time.
Brushing Teeth as a Bedtime Routine
A bedtime schedule such as brushing his teeth may remind your toddler that it is time to retire to bed. It will also help to promote good hygiene habits in your toddler.
You will protect your toddler’s pearly whites by cleaning your baby’s gums every night. It will help to push your toddler to be more cooperative while retiring to bed.
No Snacks Before Bedtime
Your toddler may insist on having some light snacks before bedtime. Try to make an effort to make snack time into a routine.
You can offer some refreshments such as cheese cubes, thin slices of bread with peanut butter, a glass of milk, or banana slices. Your toddler will happily nibble on these foods. It may also help your little one to feel fuller at night.
Offer a Favourite Toy
Toddlers are often deeply attached to their favourite toys. They love to cuddle them while going to sleep.
Cosying up to their favourite toys such as a teddy bear, a stuffed rabbit or a small soft blanket will help to reassure them and make them feel safe and secure. Your little one will love to say goodbye to his favourite object before going to bed.
An Exclusive Way to Say Goodnight
You can always have some calming activities before your toddler sleeps. Cuddle your little one with a few soothing stories or sing a lullaby or any of his favourite songs. It will soothe his mind.
You can also allow your little one to do any of his favourite activities such as going through a book or placing his stuff under the bed. You can try to make this activity into a routine. He will look forward to the special time of the day.
Let Your Toddler Sleep in His Room
Avoid allowing your toddler to doze off either in your bed or on the couch with you. Your toddler will then find it difficult to sleep in his room on his own. You should make it a habit for your toddler to sleep in his room.
Keep the Bedtime Routine Short
As a mom, you can try to avoid making the bedtime routine too long for your toddler as it will be difficult for him to cope. For instance, there could be some nights when you are planning to go out with a friend or have dinner outside. If you are coming home late, your little one may find it difficult to go through the lengthy bedtime routine.
A good bedtime schedule should not exceed more than 30 minutes as it will help your toddler to follow it regularly.
As a mom, you need to be patient with your toddler once you set up a plan for a bedtime routine. Your toddler will gradually learn to follow the schedule.
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