Homeschooling your children can come with many concerns. One of the top concerns is making sure your children are getting adequate and healthy socialization time.
If you are worried about socializing while homeschooling, read on to find simple ways to make sure your kids get in the much needed time with peers, friends, and other adults, so they won’t be missing any of their milestones.
How Homeschooling Kids Can Make Friends?
Local Homeschooling Groups
Finding local homeschooling groups and co-ops is an easy way. Homeschoolers can connect with others and join forces.
Homeschool.com – You can find connections online. Discovering local homeschool groups/chapters in your area. This online system offers a search option. You can narrow down your local group in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico.
After joining a group you can find other families. You can combine homeschooling subjects, do trips, and other activities.
Also, you can find local events to attend. They have a link where you can find homeschooling events with a similar search option. Narrow your search by sports, religion, and general homeschooling.
Utilizing your library is one of the best things you can do as a homeschooler. It offers tons of materials and is one major benefit. But your local library is more than books. Often libraries host events, have groups, activities, and more resources.
For example, at my local library, they host monthly homeschooling meetups, allowing opportunities to meet other homeschooling families and enjoying social time with children of all ages.
If you can’t meet in person, you can find ways to connect virtually. For example, Facebook offers a virtual connection through Facebook homeschooling groups. Using the Facebook search feature you can discover parent groups in your area, general homeschooling groups, and more.
Local Churches
If homeschooling with faith is a major component, you can check with your local churches to see if they have any homeschooling groups you can join. For example, this year I am homeschooling my children for the first time. We joined my church’s local group. It cost $40 to join and I had to fill out an application. The cost covered materials and use of the church with an insurance rider.
Homeschool Children Social Activities and Ideas
A common misconception around homeschooling kids is that they are completely isolated from the outside world. Along with this myth comes the stigmatism that they are socially awkward or weird.
It’s the opposite. Homeschooling kids have the freedom to travel and do many things that traditional children in school can’t because of the schedule restrictions.
While most children are stuck in a strict schedule of a school day and nightly homework, leaving limited time to do extracurricular activities. Also, it can limit real-life experiences such as traveling.
Below are Some Social Activities and Ideas to Increase Social Skills:
Organized sports – check out a list of sports to get you started below:
- Swimming lessons
- Skiing lessons
- Bowling Club
You can also enroll your children in various classes such as:
- Art classes
- Music lessons
- Cooking Classes
- Dance lessons
- 4H Club
- Science Clubs at local museums
- Zoo camps
- Gymnastics
- Language enrichment classes
Volunteer work:
Volunteering is a great way to get out and engage in activities that not only teach your children but will also give them the option to socialize.
- Horse stables, pet shelter, shelters, soup kitchen
- Field Trips
- Summer Camps
- Church Bible Study programs for kids
- Theatre/Drama classes
- Museum classes
Homeschooling Effects on Social Skills
Naturally, a homeschool environment will have different effects on a child. It differs from those who attend a public school daily. Simply because their daily interactions will be different. But it doesn’t mean it is a negative thing.
Parents who choose to homeschool must be actively trying to make sure their children are making connections with others.
Michael H. Romanowski’s study, Revisiting the Common Myths about Homeschooling, disparities that homeschoolers are withdrawn from society. The truth is though that the misconception of homeschoolers and society is outdated. Homeschooling is not like what some refer to it as.
It’s important to understand what socialization is. It is “the process by which children learn to be tolerant and accepting of differences in a multicultural society by interacting with peers from diverse backgrounds.” (The quote is from Coalition for Responsible Home Education).
This is the KEY!!
Homeschooling children can be introduced to many things that a public school child couldn’t. The freedom to learn on the go, travel, attend outings regularly during a school day. Even being involved in many groups, organizations, clubs, and sports, all supporting the well-rounded socialization needed.
Choosing to Homeschool
I have chosen to homeschool my two youngest children. They have been home with me and learning for almost 6 years now.
I have found programs at my local park district and nature centers for my kids to attend. We have even taken our kids out of the country.
I believe there is no better learning than hands-on and experiencing the world. A textbook can only teach so much.
As homeschooling parents ourselves, we have yet to decide if/when we may put our kids into school. Our oldest started and went all the way through since birth. But after becoming a stay at home mom, we have chosen to homeschool the younger ones.
My children don’t lack social interaction at all. We take daily outings and visit all kinds of places, and meet new friends and old ones along the way.
My advice to you … if you are considering homeschooling, understand how best your child learns. Then build on that and enroll them into programs to supplement everything. Creating a schedule that works best for your family and child’s development.
It’s also important to remember that children learn through play. Don’t underestimate playtime. There is so much even a board game with your child can teach.
Do let us know in the comments about ideas to help your children socialize while homeschooling. Looking forward to your inputs!
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