Getting your home organized often seems like a neverending battle where you discard and declutter everything, only to find everything as it was a couple of weeks later. There are many reasons why that happens: some people aren’t thorough enough when it comes to cleaning and sorting out their belongings, while others prefer to do little by little without actually achieving anything of substance. Keeping your place tidy and uncluttered can be difficult if you have kids and toddlers which often requires owning more toys, dishes, and clothes. Yet, that shouldn’t stop you from being organized, especially if you’re someone who prefers to live in a well-organized and neat space. Now, here are some ideas and tips that will help you organize your house efficiently:
Image source: Pixabay
Tips to organize your house quickly
1. Evaluate everything
The thing is, we lead lives that are too hectic and busy. So, organizing your home is often the last one of the priorities. Granted, it’s always something we think about, and we tell ourselves and others that it needs to be done, but we rarely make it happen, due to being too tired. Another problem is that cleaning and organizing home is such an extensive job that it can often take up to half a day. Sometimes it may take even more if the items we rediscover distracts you.
In that case, the prospect of cleaning and organizing your house quickly can become a big motivator to get started. The best and most efficient way to swiftly get rid of unneeded items is to know what and how to do it properly:
- Make a plan first: create a checklist of things that you need to take care of. And don’t forget to visually enrich the list. So, taking photos of the areas that you need to be clutter is something that can be useful.
- Get all the cleaning tools and supplies such as bin bags, gloves, mops, brushes, a bucket and cleaning products.
- Remove all the clutter first so you’ll be able to clean and scrub the place properly
- In case you find something that’s distracting, make sure to put it aside. You can check it later when you are free. Stopping your work to analyze or reminisce will only take too much of your time
Image source: Pixabay
2. Be prepared and know what you’re doing
Now that you know what items do you need and how to get started, it’s important to prepare yourself for being interrupted or maybe even feeling like giving up halfway through. That’s why doing things at your own pace is a must, no matter how much some might tell you that you must do everything in one day or less. If you’re aiming to organize your house quickly, then start pre-decluttering a day or two prior to the big cleaning day. By doing so, you won’t be feeling too overwhelmed with the amount of work.
Start with the rooms that you find the most critical and don’t stop until you’re finished. If you’re too busy with work or family chores, it’s easy to neglect your home. Therefore it’s necessary to dedicate a day or two to make it tidy and organized.
The most important thing is to employ or invent different storage methods as you clean. This way you’ll know how to keep everything neat in the future. That’s why making some space in the kitchen and using getting personalized labels for pots and jars can significantly help you keep everything organized and available without having to rummage through an endless pile of objects in order to find what you need.
3. Make your home feel pleasant
Having less mess to take care of can make your home feel more breathable, lighter and more enjoyable. Despite being emotionally attached to certain items, you are probably aware that some of them need to go. If not to the bin, then at least somewhere where they won’t occupy any useful space and make you feel agitated.
If you don’t know how to organize your house more permanently, you can always ask Marie Kondo for some advice. This Japanese organizing consultant and the author will surely offer some useful or possibly even life-changing advice on how to keep things clean and organized in your own home. When your home is in order, then you and your family can spend more time enjoying yourselves in peace. Similarly, this will also make family trips less stressful. This is because you’ll know where to find all the essentials without running around while feeling anxious.
Finally, you may keep certain less significant objects just in case you may need them someday. In that case, it’s more favorable to lend them to someone and then ask for them back when you actually need to use them. That way you won’t be actually throwing these things away. But they also won’t take up all the space that could be used for something better. Having something like a wheeled storage bag can help keep infrequently used items out of the way.
Image source: Pixabay
Final thoughts
Living in a well-organized and tidy home will surely make you feel more peaceful. This is something you probably need in these turbulent times. And there’s no better place to start than your own home. So next time you feel like something’s missing from your life, take some time to think. Maybe there’s nothing missing. Everything you need is right there. You just need to clean and rearrange your personal space so you will feel happy, productive and relaxed.
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