Our pets are faithful companions and full family members! But unfortunately, sometimes you leave marks in the house and the apartment. Whether dog, cat, or guinea pig – sometimes the cute animals will end up on the carpet. Wondering how to remove dog urine smell from carpet? Here is how to remove urine stains and old urine smell from the carpet! You do not have to panic – you can save more than you think!
The cheapest is to notice that the animal has urinated on the carpet immediately. Then it says: act now! In all likelihood, you will be successful and the urine will not settle in the carpet. Also, you will be able to avoid the bad smell.
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Treat the fresh urine stain
When you spot the still wet stain, act quickly and use paper towels to absorb the liquid. (If you do not have a tear-off roll, you can also use a regular cloth, but an old one that you no longer need for yourself!) Remove the animal’s urine with the kitchen crepe.
After a first rough cleaning, you should do it again thoroughly: put a few layers of damp (not dripping wet) kitchen paper on the stain. Be generous and go well beyond the apparent edge of legacy. Now, for example, you should weigh the paper with a few books or a heavy flowerpot to push it deep into the fibers of the carpet. Of course, there is still a protective layer between the books and the damp paper: an old plastic bag, aluminum foil, or similar.
Why use damp cloths to absorb the stain?
Wet paper towels suck the urine out of the carpet better than dry ones! Just as moist rags also absorb liquids better, because the moisture has already loosened the fibers and so new liquid can absorb better. After 10 minutes, the paper towels can disappear into the trash. You can now take action that indeed, no urine smell remains.
Prevent urine smell with a special cleaner
If you have a pet, it is advisable to always have an enzymatic cleaner in the cupboard. Before using, you must “water” the affected area. Gently pour small amounts of water circularly from outside to inside. So the urine cannot spread further. Then spray the treated area with an enzyme cleaner. Please observe the manufacturer’s instructions for the exposure time. Incidentally, you can get enzyme urine cleaners in pet shops or, of course, on the Internet. This special cleaner specifically combats the smell and prevents your dog or cat from being animated to urinate again in the same place.
Combat smell with home remedies
If you are wondering how to remove dog urine smell from carpet There are also some ways to use simple home remedies to fight the urine smell but divide the ghosts here. It may be worth a try if you do not have a special cleaner at hand.
A tried and tested home remedy to neutralize odors is soda. Mix a thick cream of soda (made of soda and water) and put them on the stain. After a short exposure, rub the mass with a damp sponge. After complete drying, you suck the last soda residues away.
A second option is to use a water-vinegar mixture to cleanse the stain again. Afterward, you should completely absorb the liquid with kitchen paper.
Even if you can test such home remedies (and we are in principle also a friend of such tips), we urge you to use urine stains special enzyme cleaner to achieve the best possible result!
ATTENTION: No matter what you decide on – test the cleaning method beforehand in an inconspicuous place!
An old urine stain – oh, the horror!
It is annoying when you suddenly (by moving furniture or tidying up) find an older urine stain on the carpet, which is already fully absorbed. He may even smell very unpleasant, but in any case, an ugly stain has been left behind.
So you can try to remove an old urine stain from the carpet:
You now have to proceed in a similar way to a new spot, only the exposure times should be significantly longer and it remains questionable how successfully the stain can be removed.
Start again with cold (distilled as much as possible) water, which you circulate from outside to inside over the affected area. Be generous and start outside the visible area! Now the enzymatic cleaner is used again, but this time should act overnight.
In the next step, put wet paper towels (or an old damp towel) over the place and complain so that they are pressed well into the carpet. Wait another night and with luck, you will have the stain removed.
You can repeat the process, but of course, there is no guarantee. With a bit of bad luck, the carpet is beyond saving.
Sometimes only a specialist can help
If there are still arrears, maybe there is one last salvation: Ask a professional! Unless you’ve wanted to buy a new carpet for a long time? We can recommend so many tips with baking soda, vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, or oxidizers, but especially with a rug, there’s a high risk that you’ll do more harm than good arrange before.
Lavita says
Thank you!