Tongue-tie is a condition in babies caused by the malformation of the frenulum. The movement of the tongue gets impeded because of the frenulum (a cord or thin piece of tissue connecting the baby’s tongue to the mouth). It may be short, thick, or tight, restricting the baby from using the full range of tongue movements. This issue can be too severe, moderate, or even unnoticeable in many babies. However, challenges can arise with tongue-tied babies while breastfeeding. The difficulty in sticking out the tongue and grasping the nipple can complicate the breastfeeding process.
Tongue-tie Breastfeeding Mechanism
Nursing babies use their tongues to get your nipple and part of the areola into their mouth while latching. It helps create a seal through which babies can remove milk from your breast.
Tongue-tie limits babies’ tongue movement and motion, preventing them from latching properly. This issue may cause them to suck harder, which may be painful for the mothers. In extreme circumstances, they may not be able to latch at all, causing frustration and refusal to nurse.
Signs of Tongue-tie
If you’re wondering what a tongue-tie looks like, keep reading. Tongue-tie can range from mild to severe. In the latter case, the baby’s tongue will fuse to the floor of the mouth. As a parent, you can check for such a situation when your baby yawns or cries. However, it might be challenging, considering they have little mouths and may not open them completely for a long time.
Consider the following signs as indicators of whether your baby has this condition:
1. No lifting
If your baby suffers from a tongue tie, it may not be able to lift its tongue or move it from side to side.
2. Heart shape
When your baby opens its mouth and sticks out its tongue, you may notice its heart shape. It signifies the presence of this issue.
3. Feeding challenges
You may face difficulties while breastfeeding or bottle feeding your baby. It may slow down their weight gain process.
4. Unsatisfying feeding sessions
You have been feeding your baby for a long time now, but they still seem unsatisfied or unsettled. It indicates their issues with latching on the nipple, which may be due to tongue-tie.
5. Refusal or noises
Your baby may straightaway refuse to get fed or make clicking noises while breastfeeding. It can be a sign of tongue-tie.
Consequences of Tongue-tie Condition while Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding can turn from a beautiful to a painful and unsettling experience for both the baby and the mother. It is possible that breastfeeding doesn’t get affected by this condition. However, circumstances may vary for each baby.
For babies-
The visible consequences faced by babies with severe tongue-tie conditions include:
- Irritability
- Frustration
- Crying frequently
- Minimal weight gain
- Refusing to nurse
- Shallow/Poor Latch
- Trouble sleeping
Since babies can’t get the necessary feed, they will get frustrated and cry bitterly. They may not gain weight consistently per their age, which may restrict their growth. Therefore, if the issues persist for a long time, consulting your doctor is critical.
For mothers-
If this condition is severe and interferes with breastfeeding, the mother may also face painful consequences. These include:
1. Lower supply of breast milk
Mothers may experience a decrease in milk supply because of poor latching and ineffective removal of breast milk.
2. Dependency on other food sources
It’s usually advisable to get babies to drink breast milk only for a few years as it contains the necessary nutrients for their growth. However, improper latching leading to insufficient milk supply, coupled with the baby’s crying and frustration can force the mother to feed the alternative to the baby. Early weaning may cause issues in the future.
3. Emotional imbalance
Postpartum mothers are vulnerable and prone to get depressed. Therefore, a crying, frustrated, and hungry baby can further cause emotional stress to the mother. This imbalance may not be good for their health and shake their breastfeeding confidence.
4. Breast pain
Physically, since the baby tries harder to remove milk from the nipple and sucks it to the bottom, the mother may feel pain, even soreness. Not breastfeeding well can cause issues in draining breasts of the breast milk, leading to breast engorgement. The sore or cracked nipples may turn into issues like plugged milk ducts and mastitis.
What To Do in Such a Situation?
If you think your baby has a tongue tie, notify your doctor immediately. It will help you get a faster diagnosis, curing the issue quickly. Check your breastfeeding techniques and ensure they’re correct. Furthermore, include lactation support and consider other options.
Frenotomy is a minor surgery available as a solution to this condition. Consulting with your doctor about its pros and cons can help you make an informed decision.
Bottom Line
Tongue-tie may not always cause issues with breastfeeding. However, if it does, it’s always better to consult the professionals immediately and act quickly to avoid unsettling your baby and you. To get a better understanding about the signs of tongue ties in babies and how tongue-tie affects breastfeeding, you can check out this blog!
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