Labrador retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds. If you are considering getting a Labrador puppy home you must be looking for answers to these questions.
Is Labrador retriever a good family dog? Are they easy to train? What problems do they have?
Read on to find all the answers to your question. Find all the information on their temperament, facts, and breed characteristics.
If you are looking for a dog with a zeal for life, then the lab is a great choice. Big, friendly, and full of life, labs are versatile dogs on the planet. These dogs originated in the early 1800s and are originally from Newfoundland, where fishermen bred a smaller breed that could retrieve fish. Labs are known for their friendly nature. They are great for company and they bond very well with the whole family along with socializing with the neighbor’s dogs and humans alike.
Labs are very energetic breeds. They love to swim and play. They have webbed paws which make them the strongest canine swimmers in the world. Labs have an otter-like tail that acts like a rudder in the water. Labs have a layered slightly oily coat that keeps them warm, helps them float, and also keeps them drip dry.
Labradors come in three colors- black which is the commonest of all, yellow, which is very popular, and chocolate which is uncommon of all. Labs have a soft mouth. A well-trained dog can carry an egg in its mouth without cracking the shell. Labs have a unique ability to learn. You don’t need to be the best trainer in the world. You just need to make an effort and the dog will do the rest. Labs can remember up to 300 human phrases. It is their intense desire to please that makes lab such trainable dogs of all. From bomb-sniffing to search and rescue dogs, no breed is in greater demand.
However, if you are thinking of raising a Labrador then there are some considerations.
Although the labs are great adult companions, they can be quite mouthy while puppies. So be prepared while raising them. It is imperative to teach them from a very young age what trainers call bite inhibition i.e., to be really careful with their razor-sharp teeth. Depending on the sex, labs can grow up to 21.5 to 24.5 inches and weigh between 25 to 36 kilograms. Labs have a high activity level. So they might not necessarily be best for some people. This is a dog that needs room to run as he is a sprinter.
Labs have health issues such as hip dysplasia. This is caused by an abnormal formation in the hip which leads to loss of cartilage and can be quite painful. Labs are also susceptible to a genetic eye defect called retinol dysplasia which causes blind spots. Like most athletes, labs also have problems with their knees, elbows, and joints. Labs have a life expectancy of 12 to 13 years.
Labs do not require much grooming. They shed moderately in fall and spring. They are athletes who adapt well to cold environments. However, they thrive well in any kind of environment. Labradors have a very friendly and impeccable temperament. They adapt well with families and pose a low risk for bites. It participates well in family activities. Labs are easy to train and they are always eager to please. But it is very important to start their training early and young.
Labradors are an adorable breed of dogs. If you think you can match up to their level of energy, then they can be great for you and your family.
Thanks for sharing this useful content piece. You have mentioned that Labs are great family dogs. I was considering adopting a Labrador for my family, but the problem is they are so energetic. I’m also looking for a dog with lower energy levels.
Hello Bhavik
You can try getting a Golden Retriever. They are a little low on energy(as compared to labs ) and they do not bark much. Just take them out for walks take care of their diets and you won’t have any problems.