Most of us are familiar with the story of Moses. He was a teacher, prophet, and leader who helped his people escape slavery. The Book of Exodus states that Moses was born during a time when his fellow Israelites were being enslaved by the Egyptian Pharaoh.
As the Pharaoh ordered that all the newborn Hebrew boys should be killed, his mother Jochebed hid him. The Egyptian Pharoah feared that the population of the Israelites was increasing and thus could be a threat to them later on.
Moses was sent back by God to Egypt to help the Jews get released from Slavery. After the Ten Plagues, Moses helped the Jews get out of Egypt after which they based themselves at Mount Sinai. Here, he received the Ten Commandments.
Moses Could Have Been Selfish
The book ‘Moses Could Have Been Selfish’, written and illustrated by MJ Wexler tells this biblical story in simple words for kids to read and enjoy. The author has written this story for children with the message of standing up against injustice. It is very important for kids to know and understand that standing up for what is right is crucial. Injustice in any form is harmful and we should teach our children from a young age itself to know how to stand against it.
The Plot
The book starts with the question that if Moses was selfish, would it have been possible for the Jews to get freedom. MJ Wexler describes the various hardships that the Jews had to face in their journey. But Moses didn’t back down and made a way for them to escape from the Egyptians. And they wandered for 40 more years before they reached Israel.
Language and Tone
The author uses the form of poetry to send across the message. She uses rhyme to make the language sound more interesting for little kids. Wexler conveys the story in such a way that it encompasses all the important information from the original biblical story. Also, children can remember and recite the story easily.
MJ Wexler has done the illustrations herself and they fit the background of the story beautifully. The colors are bright and would engage the interest of young kids. She had put forward an essential lesson in an engaging and engrossing way.
There are also a few discussion questions at the end of the book that can help you to review the story with your child. You can buy this book on Amazon
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