Do Poodles make good Family dogs? Do they make great Pets? How many types of Poodle dogs are there?
Read on to find all poodle dog breed information characteristics and facts –
Poodles are one of the most intelligent dogs in the dog world. Known for its proud bearing and stylish appearance, poodle stands proudly among dogdom’s true aristocrats. They are known to have originated in Germany but the breed was standardized in France where it was commonly used as a water retriever. Poodles are good in many sports such as agility, obedience, tracking, and assistance dogs, and even herding. They come in three sizes including standard, miniature, and toy. According to the American kennel club, the standard poodle is the oldest of the three varieties and was later bred down into the other sizes. However, the smallest toy variety was developed in England in the 18th century. Following are the points which make poodle such a favorite among many.
♦ Poodles come in three varieties—standard, miniature, and toy. A standard poodle stands up to 15 inches and is taller while a miniature poodle stands 11 to 15 inches. The toy poodle is only 10 inches tall. A female poodle grows up to 18-22 kilograms, while a male grows up to 27 to 32 kilograms. A miniature poodle weighs around 5 to 7 kilograms while a toy poodle’s weight is only 3 to 4 kilograms.
♦ Poodles were bred as gun dogs or hunting dogs particularly to hunt ducks or sometimes upland bird hunting. They have proportionately long legs with makes them great athletes.
♦ Poodles coat is moisture resistant which helps them in swimming. A Poodles coat is generally of curly texture. It can range from coarse and wooly to soft and wavy. They have a solid color or particolored coat. They have a wide variety of colorings such as white, black, brown, silver, grey, silver beige, apricot, red, cream, and sable.
♦ They have a single-layer coat, unlike other dogs which are composed of dense curly fur which sheds minimally.
♦ Poodles are considered hypoallergenic though not completely allergen-free and have low dander. They do shed but instead of the fur coming off the dog, it becomes tangled in the surrounding hair which leads to matting without proper care.
♦ Poodle show clips require many hours of brushing including 10 hours per week. Professional grooming can be quite costly. However, poodles are easy to groom at home with the proper equipment. In order to keep their coat in proper condition, poodles have to be bathed every two to three weeks.
♦ Poodles are known for their keen sense of instinctive behavior. In particular, marking and hunting drives are more readily observable than most other breeds.
♦ Poodles are a sociable dog breed known for their intelligence and high energy level and as such require both physical and intellectual activities. Upon first introduction, poodles show a reserved nature towards strangers. However, after a while, they slowly reveal a warm and personable disposition. If a poodle shows snappy or vicious behavior, then it is considered a fault in the breed.
♦ Poodles are easily trainable and can be trained to do astonishing tricks. They excel well in obedience training. Poodles are ranked second to Border Collie in terms of intelligence. Their intense desire to please makes them ideal for social therapy dogs and social worker dogs.
♦ Poodles adapt well in all kinds of environments. The standard poodle is highly recommended for families with children. As with other dogs, poodles should also be socialized in the very beginning towards children. A standard poodle will be fine with children as long the environment is orderly, stable, and relaxed.
♦ Poodles have a life span of 11 to 12 years.
♦ As per health issues go, poodles do suffer from hip dysplasia, tracheal collapse and sometimes bloating of the intestines which can be fatal.
Keeping all these points in mind, if you think that these intelligent and stylish dogs represent a part of you, then go ahead and give it a chance and become a proud owner.
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