After a long and tiring day, we all look forward to the right resting place. Fortunately, we get the comfort and relaxation we require from our bathrooms. More so, your bathroom is not only a relaxing place but also a place where you refresh and cleaned up. Unfortunately, if you are not careful and fail to clean and maintain your bathroom correctly, it can result in a big hazard.
According to a report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 21.8 million people aged 15 years and above sustained unintentional and nonfatal injuries in their bathrooms and cost approximately $67.3 billion in catering for their lifetime medical costs. But you need not worry; in this article, you shall get insight into the best safety tips to prevent slipping in your bathroom.
How to Avoid Slipping in Your Bathroom
1. Keeping Your Bathroom Dry and Clean
Ensuring that your bathroom is always clean and dry every day should be your priority. Did you know that damp and wet bathroom floors are the leading causes of falling and slipping? Due to using our bathrooms repeatedly, especially if the house has many people, it is almost inevitable to have them dry. But you can put a mop in your bathroom where anyone who uses it can mop it after use. As a result, you will help keep your bathroom dry and free from dampness. Also, take note that you should mop to dry the entire spilled water to avoid slipping.
Because we use soaps in our bathrooms, we cannot avoid them from having scums and soap foams. As a result, our bathrooms become very slippery. It is, therefore, essential to rinse our bathroom floors properly after using soap, detergent, shampoo, or hand-wash. A wet bathroom also develops an odor. If you don’t want to keep on mopping the floor, you can install an exhaust fan in your bathroom. It will not only remove moisture entirely but also get rid of the odor. Read more about how to get rid of mold and mildew in this article.
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2. Fix a Grab Bar in Your Bathroom
A grab bar is crucial in a bathroom, mainly if being used by an invalid, aged, child, or overweight person. It provides enough support for someone going in or out of the bathroom, sitting or standing, or when using a toilet or shower. In case you feel dizziness or are in the process of falling or slipping, the grab bar comes in handy. It will help you balance during the incident.
To ensure that you install the grab bar at the right place, seek a location in your bathroom that is always slippery or vulnerable to being wet. Then install the grab bar there. Also, for the dangerous places in your bathroom, you can connect grab bars running from the floor to the ceiling. You should note that towel grab bars are not the same as support grab bars.
You should, therefore, not go for a towel grab bar when you want to support yourself. It may let you down and break loose as towel grab bars don’t get made sturdy enough as support grab bars. Differentiate the use of the two types of grab bars to avoid injuries.
3. Put Enough Lighting in Your Bathroom
It’s a no-brainer; you can’t see well in the dark! What happens when you can’t see a wet spot in your bathroom, and you step on it? You may slip and injure yourself. Also, if your bathroom has obstacles and you can’t see them, the chances of you stumbling on them are high. As a result, you may end up hurting yourself badly. Thanks to the advent of technology, nowadays, there are unique lights made for all bathroom types. Depending on your taste, needs, budget, and bathroom type, install reliable lighting.
But when installing lights for your bathroom, consider some aspects like the time your bathroom gets used. Because of those who use the bathroom at night, the kids, or various heights of people who use your bathroom, connect the light switch in an appropriate place where all can reach and operate with ease. Otherwise, one may not reach the switch or feel bored to run a complicated switch and decide to use the bathroom without putting on the lights.
As a result, the person may step on a wet floor or hit an object, causing him or her some injuries, pain, or damaging things in your bathroom. The lights you put in your bathroom should ensure a clear vision despite the time.
4. Install Skid-Proof Surface on Your Bathroom Floor
Because of your bathroom’s nature of use, it is not possible not to have it wet. Unfortunately, a slippery surface is always a dangerous surface. To prevent the wetness and the hustle of keeping the floor dry, put a skid-proof cover like a rubber mat on the wet area. As a result, when your feet are wet, the skid-proof surface prevents you from sliding or slipping on the floor.
5. Mind the Type of Shoes You Wear in Your Bathroom
Did you know that some shoe types are not ideal for use in the bathroom? High-heel stilettos, athletic shoes with rubber soles, and unstable shoes are a real recipe for disaster if used in the bathroom. Fortunately, the market today gets flooded with various shoes designed to use in the bathroom. Depending on your taste and pocket, buy reliable bathroom shoes. Otherwise, other shoe types will make you slip and fall if used in the bathroom.
As illustrated above, bathrooms are essential rooms in our homes. You not only get refreshed and relaxed in using one, but we also do our cleaning and other chores inside. But though our bathrooms are essential to us, they can also be a place of harm if not well maintained, as described above.
You should, therefore, ensure that your bathroom is always clean and dry to prevent slipping. Also, install a grab bar to help support you.
If you think you have some more ideas as to how you can safeguard your bathroom and avoid slipping, then let us know in the comments below.
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