When I was a young kid, the thing I most vividly and fondly remember is sitting around our grandparent’s bed while our grandpa told us bedtime stories. Those were magical times. Each night grandpa would tell us different stories, while we would sit enraptured and enthralled by the way the story progressed. We were in a time where digital presence didn’t make any way into our lives and we truly enjoyed the carefree and simple way of life.
Cut to the present, now there is no time in our busy lives for anything…let alone tell stories to our kids. Now, the only way through which our children can learn or know about stories is through their parents or their grandparents, if they stay with them. For parents, it is not possible to read stories every day as they themselves get really exhausted after a long day at work. So how do kids discover the magical world of storytelling?
Worry not, for here comes HeyCloudy.
HeyCloudy is an audio story learning app wherein kids can listen and learn to a plethora of stories. HeyCloudy is a story learning app that is a perfect blend of new-age learning while retaining the age-old philosophy. What makes this app stand out is its unique and innovative concept of being a screen-free and ad-free approach to digital education.
The app has been specifically designed for children aged 2 – 8 years. The content for the app has been curated and thoughtfully designed by a team of experienced and qualified experts in the field of early education. They have also included and collaborated with parents and educators so as to make it more engaging.
So what makes HeyCloudy so effective?
According to the founder of HeyCloudy Chitman Kaur, stories play an integral role in shaping our lives. ‘What is it that makes us the way we are? The food we eat, the air we breathe, cuddles that we share, or the stories we hear’
Through Heycloudy she wants to bring back the dwindling tradition of storytelling to life which will break the monotony of visual learning with the creative concept of learning through listening.
What makes the app stand out is its content. We can find a diverse array of stories and music audios, the most popular being the stories from the Ramayana, the Neev stories, and the Gulgul stories.
Their whole audio stories have been recorded in a child-friendly voice and seamless modulation which make it gentle on the young minds. Through these stories, children not only reap the benefit of the stories, but the whole thing is centered around brain development, listening skills, vocabulary enhancement, concentration, and critical thinking in early childhood.
The experience of listening to stories doesn’t just end there. It helps in inculcating the skill of learning through stories which in turn helps in enhancing the auditory skills of a child. This is very poignantly put by Chitman who opines that “Listening is one of the most crucial skills needed to succeed today, tomorrow, and forever.” While the stories have their own charm, their musicals are aptly designed to cater to the changing moods of the little ones.
We as parents try our level best to keep our children occupied so that they are not glued to the screen. It is true that the digital world has its merits and demerits and no matter what, children tend to gravitate towards it. In such a scenario, if there is an alternative where the child benefits from the screen and has a positive reinforcement in their learning abilities as well as their attention skills, then that would take some amount of stress from the parent’s mind.
Here’s where HeyCloudy scores. Kids can play a story and switch off the screen and they will not have any interruptions in their listening experience. This makes it a hassle-free experience for both the child as well as the parents as the app is easy to use and can be operated with minimal parental mediation.
So the next time your kid insists upon listening to a story from you then you know where to look for it. With 300 plus audio stories and musicals, and an aim to grow more, HeyCloudy aspires to become every child’s go-to app for stories. The app is available on both Google Play and Apple Appstore for free.
Here is what some satisfied parents have to say about HeyCloudyApp
So go ahead and gift your child the most important and ever enriching experience of their life through the medium of storytelling.
Note: The post is sponsored by HeyCloudy
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