As a working mom, I understand the benefits and struggles of balancing a career, parenting, and family. Every mother will agree with me that it can be incredibly challenging to balance both career and parenting. However, the few mothers that manage to balance these aspects of life find it the most rewarding experience a woman can have.
Being a working mother can be empowering
Working as a mother gives you a chance to scale your career, pursue your passion and contribute significantly to the family’s financial needs. Additionally, you will set a good example to your children, especially your daughters, and inspire them to believe that you can still be successful in your career and be a loving mom.
Balancing family and career can be challenging
On the other hand, balancing your busy schedules and family can be an overwhelming task. Some challenges come with being a working mother. Mothers usually feel guilty about missing some important moments with their children. We may equally struggle to find enough time in the day to juggle all of our family and parenting responsibilities. In some settings, being a working mother can also be difficult to deal with societal pressures and judgments.
In the pursuit of taking care of everything, from work, and parenting to family chores, most working mothers often neglect taking care of themselves. They usually skip breakfasts; eat unhealthy lunches and might equally not pay much attention to personal care.
As a working mother myself, I have found that there are ways to thrive as a working mom despite all these challenges. This post therefore covers some important tips and strategies for navigating the demands of being a working mom.
Create a schedule and stick to it
Every working mother should start by creating a schedule and sticking to it as much as possible. Set clear boundaries around your work hours and carve out dedicated time for your family. But with all the work to be done, it is often difficult for some mothers to stick to this schedule. It may take a lot of trial and error to find a good balance. Though, if you are dedicated, you can easily have a routine. This routine will help you manage your activities and balance family and work demands.
Get a break
As a working mother, you can find yourself overworked year-round and unless you set aside time to reenergize it can be very draining. You should not be hard on yourself regardless of your long-term goals. It can be as simple as taking a short breather to recharge before resuming your chores. Whatever you do, don’t be too hard on yourself.
Connect with people
Always have time to socialize with people especially working mothers that can inspire your journey. Luckily, there are countless social media groups and blogs for moms who work where you can find inspiring information and socialize with like-minded people. It doesn’t matter, whether it is joining a local moms’ group or participating in online forums, connecting with other working moms can provide a sense of support and community that can be incredibly valuable.
Seek help
As a mom, it is okay to feel like you have to do everything by yourself. However, remember, it’s important to always seek help where it’s available. It is always a good idea to delegate some of the chores to other members of the family whether your husband, elder children, etc. In extreme instances, you can seek the help of family and friends. Note that reaching out for assistance can ease the burden of juggling multiple responsibilities after work or before work.
Take care of yourself
Working mothers usually put their own needs last, but taking care of yourself is essential for your well-being. When making your schedule, remember to add time for exercises, outings, visits, trips, etc. It’s also important to include time for self-care activities such as bubble baths, dates, or reading. Don’t skip your massage, mani-pedi, or a day out to your favorite restaurant. Taking care of yourself will always give you more energy and patience to devote to your family and your career.
Set realistic expectations as a Working Mother
We often put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be perfect in every area of our lives as working mothers. In most instances, we struggle with setting realistic expectations that factor into all our needs. However, working mothers should learn to set realistic expectations for themselves and their families. As a working mother, understand that sometimes you will make parenting or career mistakes, and understand that you cannot do everything at once. For that reason, have expectations that will give you more time for yourself and time to celebrate your successes, no matter how small they may be.
As we have already uncovered, being a working mom can be both challenging and rewarding. Balancing parenting and work requires a great deal of juggling and prioritizing, but with the right strategies in place, it is possible to thrive in both. No matter what you do, make yourself happy and energized because there’s no way you can make your family happy if you are not happy yourself.