As a student of English Literature, my love for books is deep-rooted. I loved getting lost in the world of books traveling to all corners of the world. That was my refuge! And when I saw that love in my child too, I was thrilled. But I also realized that we didn’t have as many distractions as kids nowadays do. Today kids have a myriad of options to choose from than sitting down with a book. Thus, it is more than necessary to try to inculcate and encourage reading habits in young kids.
Reading is a necessary skill that every child needs to learn. And before that they should learn to enjoy books. Not only books are a source of knowledge but also entertainment for young kids. Apart from that, they also learn vocabulary and it helps increase attention span. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is not to turn reading into a chore but keep it fun! Toddlers and young kids are active and get distracted easily. So, the key is to keep it entertaining! I have compiled a few tips to encourage reading habits in young kids so that they find a love for books.
1. Start Young
Many parents start reading to their kids as babies. Some even start to read when the baby is still in the womb. There is no age to start reading to your child or start the reading habit. In fact, the younger, the better! Though you might think they wouldn’t understand much, you will be surprised by how much they can grasp. Also, not only is it a great way to introduce your kids to words but also to help them learn along the way! It is indeed a fruitful way to bond with your kids too.
2. Read Everyday
If you want to encourage the love for books, it is best to set a routine and read every day. Turn it into a habit for yourself too! Babies and toddlers cannot read themselves. So, it is upon you as a parent to establish the routine. Pick out a time that is convenient and stick to it. If it becomes a routine, your kids will also look forward to the reading time. It helps establish the habit.
3. Expose them to Reading Materials at Home
Create a little library for your little ones. I have witnessed that if they have excess to books around them they will be more likely to pick up a book to read. Even if they do not understand the words, they will be excited to view the images which in turn will create an interest in them. Now, I have seen my younger one too who is just a year old picking up a book and handing it over to me to read. Children are curious and if they have easy access they are more likely to get drawn to them.
4. Visit the Library
Try to take your babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to the library to expose them to a world of books. Also, libraries keep on hosting storytime activities for kids which is a wonderful way to get exposed to more books. You can also get access to a variety of age-appropriate books. Also, seeing other kids reading may spark the love for books in your kids too!
5. Read Age-appropriate Story-books to your Kids
Today the market for kids storybooks is huge. And there are many amazing books available for every age range. You will find board books, pop-up books, and read-aloud books, etc,. which are not only entertaining but educational as well. Also, age-appropriate books are created keeping in mind the emotional and physical developmental needs of kids. Thus, it is a great way to help your children learn new things.
6. Variety is Important to Encourage Reading Habits in Young Kids
Expose them to new books and new content! Little kids get bored very fast with the same toys! Same with books too! Also, more books mean a more variety of vocabulary and topics as well. You can borrow books from the library or even exchange books with friends who have little kids to add more books to your reading list.
7. Carry Books Wherever you Go
If you are traveling with young kids, you will carry a lot of toys with you to keep them entertained. Also, ensure to carry a few books too so that it becomes a part of day-to-day life and something expected. You can read a book to them in the car or if you are waiting for a doctor appointment. This way, they won’t feel reading as a task but as a source of entertainment too.
8. Keep it Animated
Readout loud, laugh, sing, and enact dialogues to hold your child’s interest! I try to act out characters with my older daughter who is 4. She reads out one character and I read out another one thus increasing the drama. And children love drama and action! While reading to babies you can show and tell to help them identify objects. Also with toddlers who are just starting to talk, it is a great idea to ask them questions and let them answer and identify images in the book. It will enhance their language skills and increase their speech.
Below is a concise list of 20 books for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. They are a personal favourite too!
(Check Price in Amazon.in)
- Goodnight Moon
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Baby Day
- I Thought I Saw a Bear
- Shapes
- First 100 words
- Touchwords
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?
- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
- Pete The Cat
- Llama Llama’s Little Library
- Go, Dog Go
- Dr. Seuss’s books
- Tale of Peter the Rabbit
- Huggly Series
- Elephant and the Pig
- Are You, my Mother
- The Going to Bed Book
- Hello, Hello
- Little Pea
Hope the above information was useful! Do let us know in the comments when and how you started the reading habit in your kids. We are all ears!
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