Ask most folks about setting down roots, and they will agree that their neighborhood plays a key role. Not only are you on the hunt for an attractive property, but you want to reside in a safe area and one that helps you feel connected to your community and allows each family member to thrive. Here are our expert tips for finding the best neighborhood for your family:
Property Tax Rates
Every state has a different method for setting its property tax rate. For instance, New Hampshire is unique in that the state has no personal income tax and no sales tax, but when it comes to property tax rates, the Granite State has the third-highest rates of any state in the nation.
Check out the property taxes for the community you wish to live in. Some suburbs are a lot more affordable to live in than others just a few miles away.
Take a look at this helpful guide that breaks down the rates for every state across the United States.
Safety And Stability
Another factor to consider is the level of comfort your family feels in the neighborhood they call home. Crime statistics can tell you a lot about your community and the area where your home is going to be located.
No one wants to live in a region where there is a high percentage of theft, robbery, and more serious crimes.
You also don’t want to reside in a neighborhood where you see neglect and boarded-up buildings.
You can call the local police department and ask about crime in the community and the stability in the neighborhood you’re looking at.
An experienced realtor and search for homes in the area you are moving to. For example, if you are moving to Utah you might search for realtors with homes for sale in North Logan Utah. Realtors are also an excellent source of information about the community.
Lay of The Land
Even topography matters. In other words, don’t forget about the physical features of the land your neighborhood is located on.
Of course, weather can play a big role in ice, snow, flooding, etc. For instance, would you be residing in a rural area with rugged terrain and roads that become difficult to drive on at certain times?
Does the community have a good public works department in maintaining the conditions of the roads there?
Would you be living in an area with a steep slope that could create obstacles during emergency conditions?
Research those factors before moving to a neighborhood.
School District Quality
For most families, the schools your children attend really matter, according to recent surveys. Two such studies conducted by Redfin and Realtor.com discovered that buyers are willing to pay more for homes with access to highly rated schools.
You can check the community’s local school department and request some statistics that follow drop-out rates, test scores and more to get an idea of how the school district is faring.
Neighborly Neighbors
Let’s face it. Not every neighborhood has outgoing homeowners who hang out with their neighbors. Some folks just prefer minimal contact and keep to themselves. It depends on each family, so try and choose a neighborhood that complements your personal lifestyle and attitudes.
You don’t want to feel unwelcome where you lay down those important roots. Take a walk through the neighborhood, speak with folks there, and see if there’s a supportive and friendly vibe.
It can be exciting for your family to move to a new neighborhood, make new friendships, and build lasting memories. Take your time, and consider our tips for helping you land the perfect property in the perfect location for you and yours.
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