Spending a lot of time at the supermarkets or at grocery stores is something that most women never get tired of. Often, they are attracted like magnets to offers that are on festival sale or giving whopping discounts. It is quite tempting to resist the alluring offers. In the end, most women land themselves with inflated bills and find their grocery budget going bonkers!
You can list out some money-saving plans and plan your budget accordingly. That way you can save your wallet from excessive spending. All you need is to follow simple tips while shopping with a budget:
List of items
Make a list of groceries that you want to buy and try to stick to it. That way, you will buy only the necessary things required.
Regular store
Go to a familiar store or a mall to shop if you are in a hurry. You can get all the things you need, and you will be able to leave the store quickly.
Stay away from eateries
Go to shop on a full stomach so that you can avoid buying all the necessary snacks. Avoid eating out. That way you will save substantial money on grocery budget.
Shop occasionally
Visit shopping centres only once a week or once in ten days. Avoid going to the shops or stores every day as you tend to spend more than required.
Accurate choices
Shop only when you have energy and are relaxed. You will end up making right choices and spend wisely.
Weigh-up prices
All supermarkets show the price of groceries on shelf labels. For instance, if you want to buy cereals, millets or dry fruits it will show you the price of 100 grams. So use your calculator quickly or use your mobile phone to calculate the price if you want to buy in bulk quantities and see if the purchase is profitable or not.
Exchange for cash
You can earn cash by returning your bottles or cans and get back your paid deposits. The surplus money could be used to purchase some necessary items for the house.
Steer clear of alluring foods
Most of the supermarkets have food shelves that offer tempting junk food and snacks. However, try to avoid visiting those sections.
Have power over spending
As you add things into your cart, tell your kids to use a calculator to tally the items in the cart. This way you will learn how to control your spending.
Avail discounts
Try to buy detergent, soaps or garbage bags from a discount store. You will get these items at a much lesser price than the market rate.
Free offers
Try to avoid discounts like buy one get two free. It is a good bargain only if you are able to use all three. Otherwise, you are spending more money than required.
Scout for price offers
While shopping around look for price offers and discounts on items that you purchase frequently. You can use manufacturers discount coupons or store coupons. You can use grocery apps on your smart phones for saving offers. On Sundays and Wednesdays, you will find free coupon inserts in the newspapers. Scan the newspapers to avail the free offers.
Buy local brands
Try to do shopping at a discount store and buy several generic brands as possible. If you want to opt for purchasing brand products try to take discount coupons from the manufacturers that you normally buy. For buying general products like bleach, salt sugar, etc. you can avoid buying brand names, instead you can opt for buying these products from brands that are new to the market. You will find hardly any difference in the quality and you will end up saving a lot of money. If you are a family of four, you can save about ten percent of the yearly cost on groceries.
Shop with cash
Shopping with cash helps you to limit your spending. If you have cash in your pocket or if you are using your debit card, you will end up doing shopping with that limited budget only instead of using the credit card. You can shop for shoes, kitchen appliances, perfumes, clothes, electronic items in cash and save 12% to 18% in a year.
Avoid attractive offers
Do not buy the product just because it is on sale. Buy only if you are using it.
Plan your meals
Prepare meals in bulk at home. This will help you to save money when you are going out for groceries as well as it is quite healthy if you have food at home. Plan your meals and snacks well–ahead in advance. Your budget expense on groceries will be limited. Always cook food in large quantities. Just keep some dinner left-overs which could be used for your lunch the next day and some quick easy breakfast. That way you can save your time of cooking and at the same time you can save your wallet by avoiding buying food outside. Choose ingredients that are locally available and are cheap.
Compare discounts
Search your local area to see which stores are making offers. Make comparison of shops and brands and try to purchase from shops that offer more discounts.
Evaluate prices
Before purchase, make an assessment of the cost of goods in your vicinity. Try to evaluate the prices at produce stores, farmers markets and grocery stores in your area and see which is cost-effective and profitable to you.
Visit market at closing hours
If you are visiting a farmers market, try to go later in the day or an hour or two before the closing time. The vendors are most likely to dispose of all the stocks at a discounted price.
Take water from home
Avoid buying bottled water. According to Business Insider, bottled water is nearly 300 times more expensive than tap water. Always try to carry your water from home with you.
Store up non-perishable stuffs
You can save more than twenty percent on groceries by stockpiling items that you use daily and are on sale. Non-perishable goods or frozen items like bread, meat, cheese, dairy products and juices can be stored for longer periods. You can purchase these goods that you frequently use. Buy them when they are on sale plus you can use the discount coupons.
Avoid visiting supermarkets frequently
Visiting supermarkets regularly often stretches your budget. Try to skip going to the groceries every month. You will be surprised to know that you are able to save a considerable amount on your groceries. You can manage to save at least 20% on the annual cost of groceries even if you keep away from going to supermarkets once in every two months. Stock up the essential items when the festival sale or mega discount offers are on so that you can avoid dropping in at the grocery shop the next month.
These are some money saving strategies that you can save on groceries. Go to a produce store and shop for items that you want. Always try to stick to a grocery list and avoid impulsive buying. They are profitable and economical. Motivate yourself to save some money so that the saved amount can be used to enjoy for the next holiday, or investing in some insurance plans for your children, or making some wise investments.
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