Parents and Teachers, though not seeing eye to eye on a daily basis have to converse. And it is a well-known fact that parents and teachers aren’t always on the best-speaking terms. Well, there are a number of reasons for that. For example, the fact that many of the face-to-face conversations that goes on within both parties are usually during a PTA meeting or during a mandatory parent-teacher conference. The other times are usually on the phone which doesn’t regularly happen. These are just a number of reasons as to why there is poor parent-teacher communication. But just like any conflict, there is a solution to it. So, here are tips and facts that will help strengthen and fortify communication between parents and teachers.
1. Open Field Day/Event for Parents and Guardians
It is a known fact that people open up and talk in a more relaxed and sincere manner when they are in a setting they are comfortable or happy in. And a setting is what most schools lack. As mentioned earlier before, one of the only times parents and teachers see eye to eye are mostly during PTA meetings. Some parents would go through the whole school year not knowing who their child’s teacher is. So one of the ways to correct this mistake is by schools creating an event where parents can freely come by their wish and actually enjoy themselves while attending. That way a relaxed atmosphere can be created. And when both parties converse, parent-teacher communication would be more laid back and sincere than formal.
2. Less formal Tone During Parent-Teacher Communication
Speaking shouldn’t always feel like a task, especially between parents and teachers. Most teachers always try to be overly professional when speaking with parents. A teacher should avoid doing so. Rather, when a phone call is made or both parties engage in a conversation, they should speak to another as if they are speaking to one of their friends. In that way both of them can speak freely and what they really are thinking. When a conversation is going on between these two parties, they should greet each other, complement each other, and speak without holding back and trying to be too formal or blunt.
3. Weekly Calls or visits
“Repetition equals mastery”. That is a popular saying that also applies to building a stronger and more efficient communication link between two people. Instead of getting a phone call or talking to a teacher once every blue moon, calls should be made every week. Emails or even an actual visit to the school is possible. Because by doing so, not only are you building a better parent-teacher communication pattern but also building a good healthy relationship with a teacher. When a teacher feels like they have a good relationship with a parent they would open up more to the person, revealing more on what’s really going on in school with their child, how they can improve him or her, etc. That could also be a start to a new friendship, which can all be achieved by just making sure you get in touch with a teacher every week or more.
4. Honesty
There is a saying that honesty goes a long way, which isn’t a lie.
Teachers – when conversing with a parent, a little honesty wouldn’t kill them. If you know that a student is failing or doing poorly, informing the parents and being truthful would only make situations better.
Parents – when you feel like your child isn’t doing so well, or there happen to be some complications, calling the teacher and telling them what’s really going on and what you feel or think wouldn’t hurt them. Rather if they happen to not be teaching their very best, your words of concern can be motivation for them to teach better. Honesty is an important ingredient in building a truthful and sincere conversation, and it is something that parents and teachers need to emit more of.
Overall, communication is key in whatever you do. Words have power to them. And it is only right to make sure that whoever you are talking to, being sincere and honest to them, would only make the bond and trust stronger. This, in the case of parents and teachers, is very needed, as they are both in charge of taking care of a child.
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