Breastfeeding is a unique path for every parent and child. While there are recommended guidelines for how long you should or shouldn’t breastfeed, sometimes life takes a turn of its own. And there will come a time when both you and your child may be ready to stop breastfeeding. While this may be a big step for you both, it doesn’t have to be a hard one. Let’s take a look at some tips that will help you effectively start weaning your baby from breast milk to cow’s milk.
The Right Time
While breastfeeding is an incredibly personal journey and a perfect time to wean does not necessarily exist, children must be at least 12 months old before being introduced to cow’s milk. If you’re planning to wean your baby from breast milk before 12 months of age, we recommend using an organic infant formula. A high-quality cow-milk-based formula packs the nutrients your child needs to safely wean, as well as easily transition to whole cow milk when the time is right. If you’re weaning your baby from breast milk to cow’s milk at 12 months of age or older, there’s no need to use infant formula at this age.
How to Wean
Now that you know the right time, let’s take a look at a few steps to help you successfully wean your child:
Patience is key
When it comes down to weaning your child, slow and steady always wins to race. We understand that sometimes weaning may have to happen sooner rather than later. But as much as you can, plan to start your weaning timeline at least eight weeks in advance. Think of the weaning process as more of a transition, not a hard deadline. There may be a few hiccups on the way, but you’ll eventually get to the finish line.
Timely replacements
The best way to begin your weaning process is to replace one breastmilk feeding with whole cow’s milk every day. Replacing one feeding will give your child a chance to slowly adjust to a new routine. He will also get used to new milk. The first couple of tries may not be perfect and that’s okay. As your child gets more used to having whole milk instead of breastmilk, you can start to replace more breast milk feedings each day. And then, eventually, breastmilk will be completely taken off of the menu.
Clever adjustments
If your child has been exclusively breastfed, weaning may be the very first time they use a cup or a bottle. Take time to introduce your child to their new cups and bottles and give them time to become comfortable with them. The average baby can have small amounts of water from 6 months old, so you may want to start giving them small cups and bottles of water to get used to them.
A little here, a little there
While weaning, feel welcome to add whole cow’s milk to your child’s regular meals. Add a bit of whole cow’s milk to their oatmeal, smoothies, or any other favorite food that calls for milk. This is another great way to get your child used to the new taste.
Comfort Nursing
Some mamas have little ones who love comfort nursing. While this may make the weaning process a little more difficult, it does not make it impossible. Comfort nursing is normal and incredibly common. If your child enjoys comfort nursing or breastfeeding until they fall asleep, you can try these simple steps:
- The transition from breastfeeding your child to fully asleep, to almost asleep.
- The transition from breastfeeding your child from almost asleep, to relaxed.
- And then eventually, you will be able to cut breastfeeding out of their bedtime routine altogether.
The easiest way to reduce and eventually completely eliminate comfort nursing is to meet your child in their comfort zone. Cutting comforts off cold turkey usually just leads to stress for both you and your child.
Realistic Expectations
A big part of weaning your baby from breastmilk is having realistic expectations. Your best friend from the mom club might have been able to successfully wean in two weeks, but that may not be the case for you. Your neighbor’s baby may have never been comfort nursed at all, and that also may not be the case for you. Try not to make comparisons to the people you see around you.
Having realistic expectations for yourself and for your child will help you avoid unnecessary stress and frustration. Always remember, your parenting journey is unique to you and you alone. If things become overwhelming and you’re not sure what to do next, always reach out to your child’s pediatrician for guidance. Good luck with your weaning journey — we hope all goes well!
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