Dear Mommy,
Has anyone appreciated you recently that you are doing a great job, and are a wonderful mommy?
Yes? That’s awesome. Do lap up all the appreciations coming your way and bask in it without
guilt. Because you deserve it!
No? Then, let me do the honors. You are a great mommy, my dear. You are doing a fantabulous
job. And you are the best mother that your child/children can get.
Or do you have the gut instinct, the #SahiWaliFeeling that empowers you to care for your child
like you always have been a mom? Yes? Then go ahead!
A Letter of Love
This letter is for all you mommies out there – who delivered vaginally or through a C-Section; who work full-time and also manage the house or who have quit their jobs after birthing their children; who have no support system in bringing up their kid/s or who have a great support
group to help them.
Let Go of the Guilt
There may be times when you are feeling extremely low and are wallowing in self-doubt if you are a good mother or even fit to be one. I would request you to not even think twice about it. The emotional ups and downs are deemed part and parcel of the motherhood journey and it is not a yardstick to measure how best you are at it. There can be times when you and/or your actions are judged, looked down upon or questioned. But, it’s only you who knows what’s best for your kid in any given situation and you try to do justice to it.
Motherly instinct has quite a long history attached to it right from the evolution of mankind. Just like Huggies’ new campaign #SahiWaliFeeling, which champions the power of a mother’s instinct to provide the best for her child, do what you feel is the best for your kid. Huggies ensures that you can offer the best quality diapers to your little bundle of joy without having to think twice. You can embrace the product to support you at the most vulnerable stage of your life – new motherhood!
Love Yourself
There can be a lot of times when you would like to take some time off for yourself. I suggest going ahead with it sans any guilt. Self-care is the best gift that you can offer to yourself. Note, that only a happy mother can raise a happy child. That only a healthy mother can raise a healthy child. The energy required to take care of and raise a child is related to your physical and mental health. So, it is totally fine to take a break and spend time for yourself. Read a book. Go for a pedicure. Indulge in your favorite food. Binge-watch your favorite series. Spend time with your friends. Nothing is as rejuvenating as some me-time.
Huggies’ SahiWaliFeeling
You know the #SahiWaliFeeling when you look at your kids and should be assured that you are doing your best! This feeling could be summed up through Huggies’ new #sahiwalifeeling campaign. Huggies, the iconic brand recognizes the struggles and the doubts we mothers go through. They strive to strengthen this bond and reassure new mothers that they are always there to help them provide the best for their children. Huggies diapers are created in a way that ensures mothers enjoy motherhood without having to worry about the comfort of their babies.
So Mommies, enjoy this feeling and no matter what you are going through, remember that no one can do what you are doing for your child.
If you feel connected with what we said then do leave us your comments below.
Note: This post is sponsored by Huggies.
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